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Check Your Astrobin

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I only lost a smattering and I have originals for the lot.

For those looking for more reliable backup methods, if you've got a reasonable internet connection (>20Mbps down) then online backup is probably the way to go. I use Backblaze ( https://secure.backblaze.com/r/01u648 for a shamelss referral link that gives you and me a month off, https://www.backblaze.com/ otherwise ) and have successfully restored from it once or twice when a disk failed. Doing local backups onto a NAS/mini-home-server is fine so long as you're maintaining it and it has redundancy. And don't forget that RAID/mirror disks are not a backup - it just buys you time to fix a drive. Amazon S3, which Astrobin uses, is highly resilient and won't lose your data - but if you accidentally delete it, it's gone! I use Backblaze in addition to my main store which is a ~30TB 16-drive array using ZFS, which can tolerate 3 disk failures before I lose any data.

Edited by discardedastro
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Astrobin is a great site, I have been on it for 8 1/2 years, such a shame this happened but it's too valuable in every other aspect.

Took me 1 day to restore my images, and several more days to recover my personal website where all the images were linked from Astrobin.  

I feel sorry for those who didn't have back up files as they have lost everything, but I would never take that risk and had everything on back up drives.


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I 'lost' all of my 363 images off AB, which together with revisions (which I want to also keep there) it was maybe closer to 500 images to restore. It took me 5 days (maybe 40 hours effort), but I have now restored all but about 12 of my images. I expect to find the remainder eventually, but these were not so much astronomy images per se, as casual images of astronomical targets/events taken with a hand held DSLR and filed in general back up, so I have to look for them in 7-8 years of general archive. I found some already, so am hopeful for the remainder.....

Weirdly, it was actually interesting looking back at my astro archive, as largely it had become forgotten, so the AB failure brought back many good memories - what do they say about clouds having silver linings.....?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Really does pay to be below average astro imager.  Only recently joined after gathering my best dso data few months ago so only need to reload the one lost image.  Not bad for free premium upgrade!  Now im going to upload all kinds of crazy poor effort stuff.

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I had over 2000 images hosted on AB.

A lot of solar stuff in many flavours of false colour, mono etc that I was not going to to try and reload anyway

  Over the weekend as I was starting to think about uploading the deep sky stuff thinking that maybe the rush to reload had passed, that I now only have the first page of "opps images" and the rest have gone, the rest were there late last week but have now gone.

On further prodding there are some left if I sort by year but not all and they seem to follow no pattern for date.

I hope that the issues are sorted but am not convinced as yet.


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4 hours ago, Ibbo! said:

the rest have gone, the rest were there late last week but have now gone

Steve, I think that you may have just been seeing the legacy 'ghost' thumbnails, but that there was no underlying real image. I had a similar experience in that at first all (well most) seemed well, but if I tried to open any image none were there. That said the ghost thumbnails were useful in that it helped me identify correct versions for some of my images, where I had uploaded several versions. FWIW Astrobin now seems stable to me.


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5 minutes ago, Ibbo! said:

I now only get 1 page of ghost thumbnails ther rest have gone.

I understand that Salvatore removed all the ghost thumbnails, so maybe those that you have remaining is where there is still a real image. Have you tried actions flag malfunctioning thumbnails on those images?

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I have tried all the suggestions and been in touch with Salvatore and he offered to remove my thumbnails after they had gone.


If i search by year as I said some of them are still there.


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