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Bumping an item on "For Sale"


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How do you actually move or bump an existing item for sale to the top again. Come to think 🤔 of it, is it acceptable to do this? Is common decency compromised by doing the bump?

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You just bring up your original post and reply to it, adding whatever you wish as a comment.  As to whether it’s ok, a mod would be best to say.   But as long as you don’t overdo it by too frequent bumps I would think it’s acceptable.  So what’s too frequent ?    Best guess is several times a week is not good, after 2/3 weeks probably ok ?

HTH, Ed.

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Bumping places other, newer ads, lower down on the page. Is your ad really more important than theirs? Are you really that selfish and self important?

So, having their posts shoved down the page by yours, do they bump too?

Bumping is poor etiquette.

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One more acceptable way is if you modify your offer in some way eg price down, offer an additional accessory, free delivery etc etc That way you are making a valid post and your thread moves to the top.

The section would become pretty horrible if it were just full of 'bump' posts.

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26 minutes ago, Stu said:

One more acceptable way is if you modify your offer in some way eg price down, offer an additional accessory, free delivery etc etc That way you are making a valid post and your thread moves to the top.

The section would become pretty horrible if it were just full of 'bump' posts.

I believe you bumped your ad for the motors on Sunday with no changes to the price etc 😂  

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13 minutes ago, dannybgoode said:

I believe you bumped your ad for the motors on Sunday with no changes to the price etc 😂  

Indeed I did. Oops 🤣🤣😱

It had been around for quite a while and I was just tidying up the section generally and closing down ads which were sold. Somehow I thought 'still available' was different from just typing 'bump', which of course it isn't!

Actually I did check the CoC and there is nothing preventing bumping per se, but I think this should be done occasionally/as an exception rather than as regular practice.

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1 minute ago, Stu said:

Indeed I did. Oops 🤣🤣😱

It had been around for quite a while and I was just tidying up the section generally and closing down ads which were sold. Somehow I thought 'still available' was different from just typing 'bump', which of course it isn't!

Actually I did check the CoC and there is nothing preventing bumping per se, but I think this should be done occasionally/as an exception rather than as regular practice.

Most Facebook groups and forums have a ‘one bump per whatever rule’. 

In decent forums like this it’s usually pretty self-policing and not too much of an issue. 

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I don't like bumps. Someone said that they are kind of selfish, unless offering better price, and I completely agree. I like that SGL doesn't have that kind of spam. I also like that there is a time period where an old ad expires automatically and if not sold, you can repost it.

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I am all for bumping after a week or so. Better than new thread I guess. And there was a time when I bumped it and it got sold immediately after so I don't think no one buying it the first day reflects the need. I don't see 'a message' there. Let's be realistic, after a day the ad is on the second page and it's all about visibility. I was at both ends. I bumped it but I also bought from a bumped thread.

I don't see an issue with this on SGL and I am pretty sure most of us who sold multiple items here bumped a thread here and there ;)

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