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Hello from Aruba


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Hi everyone,

My name is John (50) and though I am from the Netherlands, I live in Aruba (Dutch Caribbean) for 8 years now. During a three weeks summer school at Cambridge University this year, my interest in astronomy was rivived and back home I stuffed up my Tasco telescope and started to look at the sky again. A couple of weeks later I ordered the Skyquest XT8i and I love it. Every night when the sky is somewhat clear, you can find my on the porch looking to deepsky objects. I subscribed on SGL a while ago but this is my first post. I enjoyed reading the messages though.

It looks like a nice community here and I hope to learn a lot from you all.

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Welcome John, and I hope you enjoy your stay with us.

Ah! The caribbean, what a nice thought that is. All that sunshine and White sand. I would love to come to your next star party, and can I bring my golf clubs too. :laughing2:


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Hello John, you lucky devil! I was about to ask 'where's Aruba' in my embarrassment, but then of course there's Google Maps... My furthest south in my lifetime, was about the same latitude as you, Grenada over to the east. Only a brief visit, and without any astro kit except binoculars. It was a treat to be able to see Southern constellations like Crux although rather low in the sky, and the seeing was not that good. Is it better for you - in the dry season at least?

If you are thinking of doing some imaging, we look forward to sights of objects out of our reach! Any thoughts about that?

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