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A line of satellites?

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Hi - I was out this morning at 06:15 a.m. and spotted what I thought was a satellite tracking across the sky in a SW quadrant. Then I realised it was actually a string of them - I counted 13, all in a line, with different spaces in between. When I looked to the left of this line, I saw three other satellites going in that direction. At a loss as to what I saw... Can you help?

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What you saw must be Elon Musk’s second batch of StarLink satellites... 60 of them in this launch... and that’s a tiny fraction of the 42,000 that he hopes to surround the globe with, just to provide internet access across the whole planet... and simultaneously screw up our view out to the sky beyond... he must be stopped!

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This evening I was surprised to see a line of these satellites rising from the south-west horizon starting at around 18:10 and continuing for at least 10 minutes. On reaching the zenith they disappeared into the earth's shadow one by one. Looking through my 30x80 binoculars (not easy to hold by hand!) they were bright points of light with a golden hue - at first I thought they may have been Chinese lanterns but clearly they were not! The total number was in the order of 30 or so and not equally spaced, some flying very close together as a pair. Never seen anything like this before in many years of observing the night sky so can only presume these are Elon Musk's Starlink satellites! A bit concerning if there are many more to follow!

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On 29/11/2019 at 02:50, PhotoGav said:

What you saw must be Elon Musk’s second batch of StarLink satellites... 60 of them in this launch... and that’s a tiny fraction of the 42,000 that he hopes to surround the globe with, just to provide internet access across the whole planet... and simultaneously screw up our view out to the sky beyond... he must be stopped!

agreed, "he" must be stopped. the whole scheme is monstrous but the public thinks it's cool and im afraid there is no stopping it

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Yes, I saw the string of  the first of the series launched way back in  summer 2019. 

Fascinated but appalled.

Then I took some comfort from it realising that when the UFO nuts start reporting them (or anything else) that we can debunk them instantly. 

No need to call on Venus refracted by swamp gas.

Hang on there!....Where are the nutter reports ? Aren't they looking up? Does this mean they now know a satellite from a FTL mother ship?

Edited by dobblob
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