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Who has clear skies this evening?


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After quite a miserable day it's something of a surprise to be out imaging, but it looks as though the Met Office might have come good today.  And with no Moon to worry about either.

I know Gina is out and DaveS might be.  Anyone else have clear sky this evening?


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No, unfortunately DaveS is still socked in with cloud. Doesn't look like it will break either. Seen a few (Very few) of the brightest stars through gaps but that's about it. Keeping looking but as I feel a bit rubbish this evening and had a headache all day it'll have to clear soon for me to open up

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I've just been out, with the ST80 to see some of the treasures of Sagittarius. Caught the Lagoon before it was lost in the trees, and had a lovely sight of the Omega and Eagle nebula.  A tiny Saturn at 22x surrounded by stars, and the Dumbbell like a translucent bubble, one of my favourite objects.


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5 minutes ago, JamesF said:

According to sat24 it looks as though you should have clear sky any time.


Thanks. As I'm feeling rubbish I'm staying in the warm for the moment. May have a look at 11 o/c, when CO says it should be clear.

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Yes, gorgeously clear here in Cornwall, with excellent transparency. I have my old C8 outside at the moment, piggybacking a 135mm lens for images of the Gamma Cygni area - while I prepare for my early start for work in the morning.

Regards, Mike.

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OK, I just had a look and it's cleared but I really don't know.

TBH, the way I'm feeling I may turn in. Not really rubbish, but the headache's been with me all day and feeling a little shivery, and I don't want it to brew up into anything more. Probably if I have an early night it'll clear up in time for the next clear patch.

With regrets,

'night all.

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Just stepped outside to have a good look and the transparency looks outstanding.  I can see the Milky Way from Perseus all the way over to the top of Sagittarius and the fork as you get south of Sadr is very obvious.


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I've been out since about 9.30 trying out my Cem60ec. I've only imaged m101 just to test everything out as it took a while to get guiding going in Maxim dl. I've just come in as m101 started going behind some trees at the end of the garden. There's a lot of moisture in the air, I thought that was affecting seeing. I was also trying to get Focusmax3 setup for autofocus but with variable results. The star being used looks very odd at times.

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I'm still doing a fair bit of shaking down of kit myself.  Found a few niggles I need to get resolved, but nothing desperately bad.  Just into my last ten minute subs now and I'll be calling it a night after that I think.  I've managed 160 minutes on M27 and 100 minutes on the Crescent plus 50 minutes of darks, so I don't think I can be unhappy with that.

Had to resort to long sleeves tonight.  Could be socks as well next time.  Temperatures are definitely dropping.


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11 hours ago, DaveS said:

OK, I just had a look and it's cleared but I really don't know.

TBH, the way I'm feeling I may turn in. Not really rubbish, but the headache's been with me all day and feeling a little shivery, and I don't want it to brew up into anything more. Probably if I have an early night it'll clear up in time for the next clear patch.

With regrets,

'night all.

Quoting my own post (Narcissism?), Feeling a lot better this morning though still a bit of a head. Waiting for FLO to deliver a Baader l filter for the main imaging rig.

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Thanks Gina. Gutted to have had to call it a night before things could get going. CO is looking hopeful for tomorrow. If the L filter comes in time I'll do 3 hours of Luminance on Stephan and Deer, else get more RGB bin 2.

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I agree, it's annoying when health gets in the way of imaging (or observing for that matter).

I have a problem with my mount - comes to a premature halt around 2am.  Put paid to my imaging run in SII which until then was going quite well.  Need to find out what's going on and how to cure it.  It didn't do that before I got back into imaging.  Yes, CO looking good for tomorrow.  I guess if I can do imaging from before 10pm until 2am I shouldn't grumble.  It's just that there could be 2 more hours!

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