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A terrible thing....

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Tragedy has struck.

My Takahashi FC100Df. My probably ultimate dream-scope, only in my possession a couple of years. Molly-coddled and cared for when not in use, but used as often as possible.

It's almost too sad to recount.




I've lost my official Takahashi 1.25" drawtube/eyepiece-holder plug.

Whatever can I do? I've looked in all my cases, all my bags, in the dog's bed, in my cupboards and hidey-holes. No sign. 


Ant   :( 

PS I presume they only come in one colour so no complications a-la finder brackets? ;) 

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11 hours ago, dweller25 said:

I’m sure it will turn up 👍

Have you checked outside ??




Yes, but I actually last remember seeing it inside, so.... I hope it does turn up. Otherwise my telescope will be utterly worthless.....


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59 minutes ago, DarkAntimatter said:

Well, if it turns out it's worthless I'd be willing to take it off your hands for you. 😉

Hope you find it soon. Possibly in a jacket pocket? 

Thanks for the offer. I'll give it a little longer before abandoning it though. Keep an eye out for a PM though....    !

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Sorry to hear that, I know what it's like losing things like caps, Lost the cap for the 24mm Pan, looked everywhere, it was on another eyepiece with the cap for that eyepiece inside. However this must dramatically affect the value of the scope, I offer you a tenner😀.


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5 hours ago, dweller25 said:

If you can retrace your steps from where you last saw it to when you used it after that you may get lucky.

Is it the metal end cap with the Takahashi logo ?

Yup, that's the thingy. Nicest little disc of branded aluminium I ever owned!

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9 hours ago, A McEwan said:

Otherwise my telescope will be utterly worthless.....

That's terrible news. If it doesn't work out I'll give you a tenner for the scope - provided you pay postage of course (although I'm not sure what I'd do with it without that metal plug, maybe use it as a guidescope or take the lens out and use it to store bits and bobs; or maybe turn it into a decorative planter) 🤔

I know that won't ease the pain but hopefully it'll help to know you've got a course of action with a positive outcome if you don't find the holder plug.

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29 minutes ago, Mr niall said:

That's terrible news. If it doesn't work out I'll give you a tenner for the scope - provided you pay postage of course (although I'm not sure what I'd do with it without that metal plug, maybe use it as a guidescope or take the lens out and use it to store bits and bobs; or maybe turn it into a decorative planter) 🤔

I know that won't ease the pain but hopefully it'll help to know you've got a course of action with a positive outcome if you don't find the holder plug.

If you took out the optics and the baffles, you could use it as a protective shell for your Skywatcher 60mm! Upcycling is good!


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1 hour ago, A McEwan said:

If you took out the optics and the baffles, you could use it as a protective shell for your Skywatcher 60mm! Upcycling is good!


I suppose, and then the kids could use the optics as mini frisbees or something.

But it might tarnish my whole "astronomy on an absolute budget" ethos. I don't think "astronomy on an absolute budget using a Takahashi sellotaped to an AZ2 cos I refuse to waste money on tube rings" really has the same ring to it...

Seriously though, I remember losing the top cap off my 7-21 zoom once. I found it eventually although I have no idea how it ended up where it ended up, but I remember looking at it sitting on the shelf without the top cap on it and being really worried - like I was expecting it to explode or something?! But there is little in life more frustrating than losing a bit of something, it kind of makes the whole thing feel a little redundant and tarnishes your enjoyment which is ridiculous when you look at it objectively but it still seems to be true.

In reality I guess caps and plugs are a bit like the "glass fragile" stickers they put on boxes just before they chuck them in a van and send them half way across the world... I'm sure that sticker makes all the difference 🤔 (I still wouldn't post without one though!!).

Hope you find it (that tenner is still on offer of you don't 😉)

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Not astro related but I'll recount a story that explains how some things "disappear".

Some 40 odd years ago, as a young boy, my father used to smoke roll-ups. He used to lay on the couch and periodically put his hand over the side to pick up his lighter to re-light the same cigarette time after time.

One time he was half way down yet another roll-up, he picked up the lighter to re-light the darned thing and found the sparky wheel/flinty part missing. He'd only just used it minutes before and he'd not left the room. We turned that room upside down looking for it. Then turned it upside down again. Even as a young boy I did my bit. Lifting furniture, getting my small hands right down the back of the couch into the lining. That sort of thing. It never got found. A real mystery.

Well maybe not. I neglected to point out that when he'd nodded off I decided to take the lighter outside to see how it worked, as I did with most things... Unfortunately I dropped the sparky wheel/flinty part and couldn't find it. What to do? 

So  I quietly put the remains of the lighter back besides the couch and continued watching TV.  

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On 28/08/2019 at 15:43, A McEwan said:

Tragedy has struck.

My Takahashi FC100Df. My probably ultimate dream-scope, only in my possession a couple of years. Molly-coddled and cared for when not in use, but used as often as possible.

It's almost too sad to recount.




I've lost my official Takahashi 1.25" drawtube/eyepiece-holder plug.

Whatever can I do? I've looked in all my cases, all my bags, in the dog's bed, in my cupboards and hidey-holes. No sign. 


Ant   :( 

PS I presume they only come in one colour so no complications a-la finder brackets? ;) 


Just buy another one from your Takahashi dealer.

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21 hours ago, alan potts said:

However this must dramatically affect the value of the scope, I offer you a tenner😀.


Has this become an auction? 

Moderator can we move this tread to For Sale/Swap section... Then I'll remind OP that auctions are forbidden and a price should be stated.

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30 minutes ago, Raph-in-the-sky said:

Has this become an auction? 

Moderator can we move this tread to For Sale/Swap section... Then I'll remind OP that auctions are forbidden and a price should be stated.


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