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Never seen anything like this


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Hi there.

This seems the most appropriate forum in which to ask this question, although I observed the following with my naked eye. It was also witnessed by two other people. The duration of the sighting was approximately ten minutes.

The area observed was clear at all times.

I am currently located in the South of France. My star map app tells me I was looking around the Lacerta constellation. The time was approximately 22:30 on the 14th August.

I saw a white light, the same size/intensity as a star/satellite, slowly moving towards a point between two stars. The light slowly flashed - moving from faint to original brightness.

It then stopped, which immediately caused me to dismiss it as a satellite. It clearly was not an aeroplane. 

It held position, and then incredibly slowly began to move on a slightly different trajectory. 

On occasion it seemed to glitch around ever so slightly near to the point at which it was held at. It then began to move again. Being in between two stars, I was able to see how far it was moving.

Eventually is faded from sight.

Does anybody have any ideas as to what it could be? Any insight would be wonderful.

Best regards,



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Unfortunately not, there are so many things that could be. Having said that,  when i started flying my drone at high altitudes years ago before they were main stream, 

flying in my small town, the very next day on several occasions some people called the local newspaper claiming they witnessed a UFO. I know this because a friend 

works there and he'd call me and ask if i was flying again.

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1 hour ago, Grae said:

Does anybody have any ideas as to what it could be? Any insight would be wonderful.

Aircraft of some sort, perhaps a Chinese lantern :dontknow:.  What do you think you saw, Graeme? If you get another chance, a quick video or photo shot would be helpful.

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4 hours ago, Sunshine said:

Unfortunately not, there are so many things that could be. Having said that,  when i started flying my drone at high altitudes years ago before they were main stream, 

flying in my small town, the very next day on several occasions some people called the local newspaper claiming they witnessed a UFO. I know this because a friend 

works there and he'd call me and ask if i was flying again.

Too funny, reminds me of when I went camping up North took wolf howler to try and get responses.  Next day half the local tavern was talking about a lone wolf howling all night.

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Thanks for the replies, folks. 

I would absolutely say it was not a drone/helicopter etc. I say this on the basis that it very much appeared to be in space. It had the same height appearance as a satellite.

I own several drones and it looked nothing like that. There were also no coloured lights. No noise whatsoever, and we heard a passenger plane pass over later. We are in the middle of nowhere so noise would carry, especially a drone/helicopter.

And definitely not a Chinese lantern. That would behave differently and would not remain static, and would be orange in appearance.

No way to take a photo or video as the light was not strong enough (i.e. try taking a video of a satellite).

A mystery!



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2 hours ago, Grae said:

Thanks for the replies, folks. 

I would absolutely say it was not a drone/helicopter etc. I say this on the basis that it very much appeared to be in space. It had the same height appearance as a satellite.

I own several drones and it looked nothing like that. There were also no coloured lights. No noise whatsoever, and we heard a passenger plane pass over later. We are in the middle of nowhere so noise would carry, especially a drone/helicopter.

And definitely not a Chinese lantern. That would behave differently and would not remain static, and would be orange in appearance.

No way to take a photo or video as the light was not strong enough (i.e. try taking a video of a satellite).

A mystery!



How on earth can you say it was in space? It is practically impossible to estimate distances without triangulation, or any knowledge of their actual speed. Also, estimating motion is notoriously difficult, especially in the dark, when different parts of the retina may have different effective integration times, depending on the amount of light received. This can give the illusion of motion where there is none, or lead people to think the motion varies when it is constant. Without any recording, it is impossible to say what it is. The slow periodic change in brightness would suggest a spinning satellite. They frequently seem to change speed, but that is really an optical illusion, as when you take careful measurements by imaging (which is possible, but difficult), you find the motion is constant. 

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When I was a teenager we had a piece in the local newspaper of several independent sightings of two bright lights interacting in the night sky for over an hour close to where I lived.

It slowly dawned on me that it was the same night my friend and I - just to do something different - had flown our stunt kites in the dark with small torches hanging off the tails.


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15 minutes ago, dweller25 said:

It slowly dawned on me that it was the same night my friend and I - just to do something different - had flown our stunt kites in the dark with small torches hanging off the tails.

That memory was implanted in you by the aliens to cover up their nefarious activities! 😀

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Sounds most like a helicopter to me, they can hang around for ages and have very bright lights which can be seen a long way away. With a certain wind direction and enough distance they may not be heard either.

I remember being very confused by seeing 7 red lights in a triangle shape flying in quite dramatic patterns around the sky over some fields near my house. It took viewing it through binoculars to work out that it was a remote control plane being flown at night!

There is usually a mundane answer to these unusual sights.

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12 hours ago, Grae said:

I saw a white light, the same size/intensity as a star/satellite, slowly moving towards a point between two stars. The light slowly flashed - moving from faint to original brightness.

It then stopped, which immediately caused me to dismiss it as a satellite. It clearly was not an aeroplane. 

It held position, and then incredibly slowly began to move on a slightly different trajectory. 

On occasion it seemed to glitch around ever so slightly near to the point at which it was held at. It then began to move again. Being in between two stars, I was able to see how far it was moving.

The accuracy and the lack of exaggerations in the description, plus the presence of other witnesses convince me you really saw this. Possible explanations are a very high altitude balloon that might still be lit by the Sun since it was not that much below the horizon at 22:30. Or a military spy satellite, some of the later generations have small engines to keep them above locations of interest, so their motion is not straight. The US military X-37 space plane/shuttle can do it, too.

Too bad you didn't have binoculars; are you an amateur astronomer or just someone who noticed something unusual in the sky?

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I've seen videos of DJI drones climbing up through the clouds, and that was an older model with about 1/3rd the range of the new consumer/DJI type drones (<7km). I wouldn't be surprised if you could (illegally) get 3,000m vertical  and you'd never hear it past say 500-750m. Do you have some decent binos? Around 10-12x magnification?

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9 hours ago, Ships and Stars said:

I've seen videos of DJI drones climbing up through the clouds

One of the drones i built from a kit years ago, i was flying this around well before anyone else in my town had a drone to speak of, i would fly this F550 hundreds of feet up and at that height it was silent from the ground. I greatly enjoyed the flood of UFO reports the next day knowing i was causing a stir lol.

One night there was a major news van in my town reporting on a drowning, on way back to television station they spotted it high up and decided to follow it, leading them straight to me. They said they were dumbfounded watching its flight characteristics and trying to identify it, needless to say they hung around for a while as i demonstrated what it could do in manual flight mode.



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I have an original copy of the ‘Blue Book’ I will look it up, but I can say on behalf of the military it is a sky hook ballon, or the light reflected off the white breast of  migrating plovers.

Seriously I would say distant helicopter. I have a similar thing to your description but at dawn, and for a year I was convinced they were coming, until I spoke to a pilot who said it was the traffic helicopter getting airborne way to my south.

It just appeared in the sky very bright but way distant. Varied in intensity over a minute then in a few seconds just disappeared. Didn’t look terrestrial, looked star like.


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