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Moon,Venus Juipiter Conjunction... home too late for the occulation :(


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Oh, very well done. Beautiful. :hello1:

I was caught up until about 5.20, 10 minutes after the egress of venus, and managed to see it, and photograph it badly, handheld, through thick trees.

Times like these I wish I could teleport, or just live further south.

You seem to have a good amount of horizon though.


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I had to walk (jog as i knew the seperation was growing all the time) about 1/4 mile to get that one with the tripod D200 and 70-300 VRII ... I got some strange looks standing on the verge of the main road taking pics... suprising how many cars slowwed right down when they saw the gear on the tripod...

I'll crawl back into my ole.. now....

Tata till the next significant lunar event....


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My wife enjoyed seeing the view through my scope. :D Then she rushed back in as she was too cold! :) I didn't catch the start, but saw the view whilst Venus wasn't visible and then as it came back out. That was the first time I've seen Venus with my scope. :p

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The journey home was dodgy because i kepy looking round to try and keep a naked view on the occulation... not good in stop start traffic...

Finger crossed for a few hours trouble free tonight ...

:laughing3: :laughing3: same here, there's some angry motorists out there now!!!

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Thanks all,

The trees were planned the clouds were a bonus... well when you have enough to add a little somethign to the piccy but not so many taht you couldnt see it at all i mean... couple of the other shots have some of the jovian moons in I think...but the moons burnt out I feel a possible composite coming on if they are there...I let the cammera bracket the exposure +/- 5 stops...


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I took my equipment into work as we are located with a clear westerly and southerly view over the Ribble estuary, but cloud rolled in just before Venus was due to be hidden by the moon. Assumed that it would stay that way so started driving home only to see it come out the other side as I approached Blackpool, so had to make do with a view through the windscreen, but it did look quite beautiful as in your first pic. Unfortunately, from my home location all three planetary bodies are hidden form view by housing and trees etc. When can we expect a similar occulation again?

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