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A nice refractor for lunar/solar ?

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I'm after a nice refractor for lunar imaging and viewing but just can't decide what to buy. It will be used on a HEQ5 Pro and also Fornax Lightrack II, I do have the counter weight kit for this mount so weight shouldn't be a problem as it will take up to 12kg. TBH I prefer to just grab the Lightrack most nights and use this rather than set all the HEQ5 up unless I'm doing DSO imaging. If it can be used for solar as well with a Quark it's a bonus but not a must. I will be using the ZWO178MM and 600D for imaging lunar and jut the 178MM for solar and probably a Baader zoom eyepiece when observing. So far I have looked at,

SW100ED f/9

Starwave Ascent 80mm f/7

Starwave Ascent 102 f/7 and the f/11 version

Tak FS-60Q

Tak FOA-60Q

Tak FC-76DCU

Have owned 3 maks and don't really want another, I like refractors.

Any suggestions ?


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12 minutes ago, wookie1965 said:

Do you want to buy new. There is a Tal 100rs on Astro buy and sell I've got one.

One of them with a lunt solar wedge is excellent and great for the moon, planets, double and multiple star's and clusters.

New is always nice but I don't mind a used one if it's what I'm looking for and in good condition.

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I think my choice of those listed would be the Skywatcher ED100 F/9. I don't know if it's Quark compatible though. 100mm F/9 doublets do work exceedingly well for lunar / solar observing though :icon_biggrin:


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6 minutes ago, John said:

Thats the FC-100DL.

The one you can't get anymore 🙂

I'm not sure if I'd be disappointed with the FOV using the FOA-60Q ? how far you can push the magnification with eyepieces.

The FC-76DCU is going to be slightly better especially with the 1.7 extender ?

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1 hour ago, SAW said:

The one you can't get anymore 🙂

I'm not sure if I'd be disappointed with the FOV using the FOA-60Q ? how far you can push the magnification with eyepieces.

The FC-76DCU is going to be slightly better especially with the 1.7 extender ?

I'm not an imager so can't address those Q's. The FC-100DL supports 250x-300x visually when the seeing is good.


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I'm very tempted to go with the FC-76DCU plus the 1.7 extender. I can then use the scope at f/7.5 for solar with a Quark and at f/12.5 for some lunar observing/imaging maybe even a little planetary ?

I then have the option to use the reducer/flattener for some dso imaging with my 183MM ?

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The FC76DCU plus the 1.7 Q is fast approaching the cost of an FC100DC,  which at F7.4 would give you both wide fields and very high power views. You don't need the Q for visual, though they are nice, as the scope will power up until you run out of exit pupil without it. The limiting factors being the seeing and the aperture, but for lunar, solar and planetary you wouldn't be disappointed.



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I think the FC100DC is going to be too big on the Fornax Lightrack even with the counterweight kit I have, it may just look out of place on it ?

I'd love a 4" Tak though, if I get the 76 am I going to think I wish I went for the 100 ?

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8 minutes ago, SAW said:

I'd love a 4" Tak though, if I get the 76 am I going to think I wish I went for the 100 ?

I've had both, and whilst the 76 is a lovely scope with very sharp optics, the 100 is just that much more capable. The f7.4 is a great compromise for widefield and high power use, and it's still a very lightweight package although I agree that you will need a more heavy duty mount for it than the Fornax.

If you want super portable though, I guess the 76mm is a good option.

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19 minutes ago, Stu said:

I've had both, and whilst the 76 is a lovely scope with very sharp optics, the 100 is just that much more capable. The f7.4 is a great compromise for widefield and high power use, and it's still a very lightweight package although I agree that you will need a more heavy duty mount for it than the Fornax.

If you want super portable though, I guess the 76mm is a good option.

The Fornax is supposed to be able to carry up to 12kg with the optional counterweight bar which I have, but is it going to look a bit weird for a 4" refractor on it ? 

I can't help but think if I had the 76 will I wish I went for the 100 ? BUT it's more money, the 76 is going over budget as it is LOL.

I'll also be suing it on a HEQ5 but I do like to just grab the Fornax most nights especially for lunar/solar when I don't need the GoTo.

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5 minutes ago, SAW said:

but is it going to look a bit weird for a 4" refractor on it 

Hmmm, do looks actually matter? If it will cope with the scope ok and keep it steady, that's the important thing surely?

I use a Vixen GP with simple tracking when doing lunar, solar or planetary observing with mine.

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If it helps, I have a TV60. In my opinion it's a lovely scope and truly grab and go. 

On lunar/solar and planets my Tak 100 DF is noticeably better. It requires a sturdier mount though.

I don't consider these two telescopes suitable for DSO, apart from large open clusters and nebulae under dark skies.

My comment is just for visual.



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14 minutes ago, SAW said:

How did you find the 76 ?

What did you view/image with it ?

Did you ever use the extender ?

A very lovely scope. I had the split tube version, basically the 76mm Objective upgrade with the tube from the 60mm and then I had a Feathertouch on it as I'm not a fan of Tak focusers. Very sharp optics, better corrected and a smidge sharper than my Televue 76.

I took it abroad a couple of times, viewed planets, lunar, doubles and did some Milky Way trawling. Very enjoyable and capable scope. I didn't use the extender with it. I know @DirkSteele has one and thinks highly of it.


In some ways I still miss mine, but the 100 is probably as easy to take abroad and is that much more capable.

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The 100 is easier to take abroad ?

I've emailed Fornax and asked about the 100 on the Lightrack or would the 76 be more suited. 

Anyone have an image of the 76 and 100 side by side ?

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If you are looking for an airline friendly telescope, the new Skywatcher 72mm refractor seems very attractive to me. 

Some people have taken their Tak 100 abroad, so yes it is possible. Personally, I see this like a one off. In addition, I wouldn't take very expensive things with me on a plane. The only exception has been my TV60, but that is ultra light. The tripod fits in the suitcase too.

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48 minutes ago, Piero said:

If you are looking for an airline friendly telescope, the new Skywatcher 72mm refractor seems very attractive to me. 

Some people have taken their Tak 100 abroad, so yes it is possible. Personally, I see this like a one off. In addition, I wouldn't take very expensive things with me on a plane. The only exception has been my TV60, but that is ultra light. The tripod fits in the suitcase too.

Doesn't have to be airline friendly. I've taken a WO61, tracking mount etc on a flight before and that was bad enough. Think I'll stick to dslr and lenses for that LOL.

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I have the Tak FS102 and the Tak FC76DCU. The latter is my airline travel scope and fits into a relatively compact backpack. It performs very well on Moon and planets, as well as deep sky. But the FS102, with an extra inch of aperture gives better planetary views. If I had to chose one, it would depend on how often I needed the travel capability: if only a few times I'd go with the larger scope. I realise the FS102 is bigger and heavier than the FC100 and that people do take the latter on flights.


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