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The little Swan shows it's true colors


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Hi all,

As I'm slowly going through my data from July, this time I processed the RGB data of the Swan Nebula.

This Nebula can really use a bit more magnification, so now I'm thinking of revisiting it with my SCT next season. At this focal length it's too small, but 1280mm or 2032mm through the 8" SCT should make it more impressive.

I still have the narrowband data to process so hopefully the SHO image will turn out more dynamic.

The total exposure time on this image is only 55 minutes, 20x60 second, 12x150 second and only 1 of 300 second subs, all at ISO1600.

Taken with a modded 40D through a 80mm refractor at 500mm FL.

Clear Skies,




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6 hours ago, Galen Gilmore said:

I like this image because the exposure time is similar to something I would do with my 130PDS, and therefore a good representation of what is achievable with shorter exposure times. 

Thanks for sharing.

Exposure time??? Don't you mean Focal Length... if you're talking about the size of it in the frame? 

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20 minutes ago, MarsG76 said:

Exposure time??? Don't you mean Focal Length... if you're talking about the size of it in the frame? 

Yes that too, but I was just referring to my lack of guiding, and therefore I am forced to shorter exposures. You said in your post that you used 60 second, and 150 second subs. Sorry I should have been clearer with my wording, I was in a rush to post before my laptop ran out of battery.

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19 minutes ago, Galen Gilmore said:

Yes that too, but I was just referring to my lack of guiding, and therefore I am forced to shorter exposures. You said in your post that you used 60 second, and 150 second subs. Sorry I should have been clearer with my wording, I was in a rush to post before my laptop ran out of battery.

All good, now it's clear... yes, I used 60 & 150 second exposures...

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