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Music to watch stars by...


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I thought I'd throw out a few suggestions for atmospheric music to keep you company on those cold nights... observing in silence is good, but occasionally you might fancy a soundtrack.

1. The End (An Ascent) - Brian Eno

2. Solaris soundtrack (Cliff Martinez)

3. The Planets - Holst (natch)

4. Anything by The Orb

5. Choral music by Bach

6. Requiem - Mozart

Any other favourites?

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speaking of observing - does anyone get that feeling, at midnight, no sound, when you're on really high mag and the background is all black, you're focused on some distant object, you suddenly lose perspective and get quite freaked out by the cosmos and have to step away from the scope? is it just me? Envy.gif

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As a big fan of "2001 - A Space Odyssey" it would have to be some Straus waltzes for me I guess.

I thought for a moment you might mean the 'other' Strauss. After all, Also Sprach Zarathustra (Richard Strauss) was, in the 1960s and 70s, the definitive accompaniment to anything space-related on TV (especially the Moon missions). It was also in '2001' of course. Funny how few people can recognise anything other than the first few bars of that piece....

And another TV-related thing I suppose has to be Sibelius' Pelias and Melisande - which I've identified with S@N ever since I were a nipper and Sir PM was a lot more young-looking than...er...

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I don't listen to music when I'm observing, not because of any special reason, I just haven't bothered. If I did, I would probably listen to a 'light rock' station. Actually, I don't mind listening to the crickets in summer, and the silence in winter.

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speaking of observing - does anyone get that feeling, at midnight, no sound, when you're on really high mag and the background is all black, you're focused on some distant object, you suddenly lose perspective and get quite freaked out by the cosmos and have to step away from the scope? is it just me? Envy.gif

I kind of get where you're coming from. I sometimes get overwhelmed by the vastness of it all, and it reminds me how insignificant we (humans) are to what could be out there.

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Not sure about listening to music while observing but if I had to choose it would be something spacey and ambient with no percussion eg. anything by Steve Roach.

I'd rather I lived out in the sticks with just the sounds of a babbling brook and the local wildlife to listen to.

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I've had to use an mp3 player for the last 2 years as the police sirens, buses and amount of loud diesel vans late at night have increased dramatically. I listen to trance music when i'm observing as it has a kind of spacey sound, i dunno :)

Here's a few of my favs.

Tiesto - Forever Today

Tiesto- Ten Seconds Before Sunrise

Tiësto - Driving To Heaven (Mat Zo Remix)

Tiesto - Feel the Sun rise

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Kind of depends on what mood I'm in but mostly the slower stuff I listen to like Ulrich Schnauss, Boards of Canada, early Aphex Twin, Black Dog productions, that kind of thing. Recently I've been re-listening to the Conet Project (on Irdial discs) which is an album of number station recordings, spooks me out when it gets a little late :shock:. Of course as Bernie says, silence is sometimes golden....


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Pink floyds Shine on you crazy Diamond,Nightwish and any slow guitar instrumental by Satriani,Gilbert,anyone really so long as it makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

Jeff Loomis of heavy metal band Nevermore has just released a solo album and one track called Sacricty is one of the most intense moodiest pieces i have ever heard.Next time the weather clears i'm gonna lie back in the recliner,look at the milky way and blast my ears with it. :shaking2: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=i0qWYpfG5Go

John,totally agree with Echoes.

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The best incidental music I had to watch stars by occurred when I was observing on Manitoulin Island, and a wolf pack set up a Grand Howl within a kilometre of where I was standing. It was even better than the crickets...

That must have been magic. I love the sound of howling wolves. No wolves over here though, or crickets. I've always associated the sound crickets make with nighttime - I guess all those Hollywood movie soundtracks are responsible for that.

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