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Music to watch stars by...


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as you will learn I am an old man in a young mans body...

we have listened to...

Frank Sinatra, The Rat Pack, Gipsy Kings

but me more generally would listen to any of the following

Michael Buble (legend) Englebert Humperdinck, Dire Straits, Eric Clapton, and have recently found Josh Groban

not pop, most of them have no talent

basically anything from the crooning days...music greatest period IMHO


But you can feel bad when you have begun a 20min guided exp with a Ha filter and Frank in the background with..."When skies are cloudy and grey, they are only grey for a day" genius

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I don't listen to music whilst observing, as I'd rather be able to hear what's lurking in the dark. Besides, the peacefulness of it all is a respite from a day of constant activity.

speaking of observing - does anyone get that feeling, at midnight, no sound, when you're on really high mag and the background is all black, you're focused on some distant object, you suddenly lose perspective and get quite freaked out by the cosmos and have to step away from the scope? is it just me? Envy.gif

I see what you mean. The dark skies make one feel very small, but the only think that freaks me out is a black cat that suddenly shows up from nowhere :)

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Hedgehogs freak me out. Had another one charging out of the undergrowth last night, snorting andsnuffling. :shock:

Hibernating soon hopefully....

I don't listen to music because I need asensefree to keep track ofwhat'sgoing on around me. Paranoid I guess :?

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Hedgehogs freak me out. Had another one charging out of the undergrowth last night, snorting andsnuffling. :shock:

Hibernating soon hopefully....

We reckon they are great - sound like a baby elephant coming then out pops this tiny thing snorts past and off into the night. Now owls screech and hoot and seem to be all round but even in moonlight we have never seen one at night. Cows are loud too and sheep (who have a list of things that go wrong longer than us are always weezing and coughing. Not music maybe but you are never alone in the dark.

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Racoons are cool. They look like ninjas with that black marking across their eyes. I've been told they can be vicious but the ones I met in Vancouver were very friendly although a little cautious. Had one eat of my hand which made my day.

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Interesting, everything from Classical, through Baroque to "easy listening" and then on to hard rock.

Personally, as I observe about 25-30 miles out of the city, in the middle of a forest park clearing, I prefer complete silence. The "sounds of the night" are all I want - no people for a long distance.

The only problem is that sometimes the "sounds of the night" scare me sh**less - the scream of a fox, the hoot of an owl, the rustle of a predator in the long grass in the next field. Scary stuff in the dark if you have any imagination. And I have - I have packed up early and hurridly on a couple of occassions :)


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Interesting, everything from Classical, through Baroque to "easy listening" and then on to hard rock.

Personally, as I observe about 25-30 miles out of the city, in the middle of a forest park clearing, I prefer complete silence. The "sounds of the night" are all I want - no people for a long distance.

The only problem is that sometimes the "sounds of the night" scare me sh**less - the scream of a fox, the hoot of an owl, the rustle of a predator in the long grass in the next field. Scary stuff in the dark if you have any imagination. And I have - I have packed up early and hurridly on a couple of occassions :)


Well, apart from the odd noise scare Tom, that site sounds Idyllic mate. :)

Ron. :D

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I prefer utter silence. It's pretty quiet here once everyone has gone to bed. I just like to be alone with the universe for company.

I like the time travel aspect of observing, I'm forever looking at things and thinking 'now that's 200 light years away, when the light from that set off, George the Third was going wibble.'

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