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AZGTi frustration


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I've been playing around with my AZGTi whilst on holiday, and am a bit frustrated at its quirky and obstinate ways when it comes to connecting with Skysafari.

I have a Samsung S9 now, plus my old iPhone 6 Plus, and also a Synscan v4 handset.

The handset works fine on its own.

The Synscan Pro app works fine on either the Samsung or the iPhone.

I was hoping to be able to connect the Samsung and use Skysafari and Synscan running on the same phone, but I always end up with a message saying that the wireless connection can be made but the scope is not responding.

The only way I've been able to get it working is by using Synscan Pro on the iPhone, and Skysafari 5 Pro on the Samsung. Even using the handset doesn't seem to work and I'm sure it used to, although perhaps it never did wirelessly, I used to use Skywire to make the connection.

I use and port 11882.

Does anyone have any bright ideas about what I am doing wrong? Do I have to enable background running of apps in some way?

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My AZEQ6 is a bit hit and miss using the Wi-Fi dongle in Alt az mode. If I set up using the Synscan app and then pick an object from the Synscan menu and slew to it, it will track for a few seconds then stop. Need to hit Point and Track. This issue was covered in another thread. Regarding Sky Safari, if I connect after initial setup it usually shows where the scope is pointing. Last time however it started as if the scope was in the home position, north on the horizon. Sky Safari wouldn't slew to a target either, had to use the lists in Synscan. On the contrary, when both are working together, I can slew to any target via Sky Safari, but I still need to drop back into Synscan and hit Point and Track on the last target I picked using Synscan!! I seem to remember getting a message like you have about the Sky Safari connecting but the mount is not responding. I got this after I connected both successfully but my phone went to sleep. If you go into your settings, device maintenance, battery and find the tab for unmonitored apps, i put both Sky Safari and Synscan Pro in there as it prevents the phone from closing them and let's them run in the background. I have a Galaxy S7 btw. Hth

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Essentially, distilling the above for clarity, Close / end task all apps. Launch synscan app, connect to mount ( Now set all other apps on the same phone (SkySafari etc) to connect on (local loopback address) port 11882. These apps then talk to the Synscan app, which relays comms to/from the mount on their behalf.

Sandboxing on mobile platforms prevents multiple apps consuming the same IP and port / socket, so Synscan App has to act as a hub for everything else.

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I have no idea what set up you have - environment,distances , is it in AP or Client mode. However you may (and do it as a last resort and note the orig settings) have to change the "Read Time Outs" and "Resend tries" on the Synscan App. This is trial and error but only change one parameter at a time and note that the 2 settings are relational.

Essentially you are allowing for "problems" with the Wifi so that it will work harder trying to keep the connection alive. The down side is that harder Synscan App works the slower the response,to Sky Safari, will be if it is having problems -  but its not a killer.  

Note working in AP mode (Wifi adapter is the AP) limits the power/range of the Adapter so don't expect  to be 30 feet(approx) away and it work flawlessly.

The main problem is that UDP,as used by Synscan app to the mount , is fast but it cares not if the data is being received - "best effort".  

Sky Safari uses TCP to talk to the Synscan App which is considered as a "reliable transport of data" - it handles error's and expects a reply - The problem is that if Synscan is having problems talking to the Mount Sky Safari will only wait so long before complaining about getting a reply. 

"Marci" is 100% correct on how to use Synscan and Sky Safari on the same device (except Apple) - so use in Sky Safari

The documentation is not what one would desire either - but there is a note,in the developers version, saying apps(Sky Safari) should be prepared to wait up to 30secs (if memory is working) to get a reply from Synscan.

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15 hours ago, Marci said:

Essentially, distilling the above for clarity, Close / end task all apps. Launch synscan app, connect to mount ( Now set all other apps on the same phone (SkySafari etc) to connect on (local loopback address) port 11882. These apps then talk to the Synscan app, which relays comms to/from the mount on their behalf.

Sandboxing on mobile platforms prevents multiple apps consuming the same IP and port / socket, so Synscan App has to act as a hub for everything else.

Thank you for this, but I have tried all that and still no luck. It now won't even connect the way that I described in my first post which is annoying, seems very inconsistent.

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2 hours ago, Stu said:

Thank you for this, but I have tried all that and still no luck. It now won't even connect the way that I described in my first post which is annoying, seems very inconsistent.

Stu, Would you say the handset plus sky wire plus iPhone is the most reliable sky safari setup you have had for the az gti?

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9 minutes ago, GavStar said:

Stu, Would you say the handset plus sky wire plus iPhone is the most reliable sky safari setup you have had for the az gti?

Yes I would. Using the handset doesn’t not allow me to connect wirelessly, which I stupidly assumed it would! Synscan seems to work well, either the handset or the app, and with Skywire it works well too, but nothing I try works wirelessly without skysafari.

To answer a previous question, it is in Access Point mode, but have no idea of any other changes to try.

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23 minutes ago, Stu said:

Yes I would. Using the handset doesn’t not allow me to connect wirelessly, which I stupidly assumed it would! Synscan seems to work well, either the handset or the app, and with Skywire it works well too, but nothing I try works wirelessly without skysafari.

To answer a previous question, it is in Access Point mode, but have no idea of any other changes to try.

I did get mine to work wirelessly with two iPhones but even then found it disconnected regularly (whereas the panther TTS with skyfi is very stable with SkySafari wirelessly)

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I’ve decided, as you know Stu, to just go down the traditional Synscan handset route. I’ve found the whole wifi connection, even just with the Synscan app, to be extremely temperamental. Half the time, obvious objects like a planet or the moon directly overhead, are omitted from the viewable objects available displayed in the app. I’ve managed to successfully connect SkySafari and Synscan app via two devices, however, like Gavstar I’ve found it disconnects regularly.

I also find that I have to go into the settings of the Synscan app every time I use the app and toggle off/on the option which prevents the phone from sleeping to actually have it engage and do it’s intended job. This said, even when everything is working, I find the controls fiddly on the phone (I rather not having to actively look at the screen every time I want to change slewing directions) so back to the trusty old handset it is for me.

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Stu, I had no issues with Sky Safari and my old  iPhone 6 but when I upgraded my phone to the pro versions I got the error messages as you experienced. However, all worked fine with my iPad Pro so I used that instead. I did contact Sky Safari and after a few ping pong emails they admitted that had not used the new iPhones with the software and eventually admitted they did not know if it was compatible !!!!  Anyhow 6 months later and a couple of updates to Sky Safari all works fine with my iPhone again ( the mount used is the Ioptron AZ Pro) Maybe if you phone is a new version of the Samsung  you might have to wait for the software to catch up.

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37 minutes ago, axle01 said:

Can or has anyone used a SkyFi controller connected to a handset or directly to the AZGTi Mount.



Not with the AZGTi but with and AZEQ6 and it worked well. Trouble is you shouldn't have to spend that much to get it working...

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1 hour ago, Stu said:

Not with the AZGTi but with and AZEQ6 and it worked well. Trouble is you shouldn't have to spend that much to get it working...

Very much agree, I use one on my AZ-EQ6-GT and a iOptron Cube Pro and can borrow the handset from a friend so just wondering if it will work.


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  • 1 month later...
On 28/07/2018 at 15:43, Stu said:

Yes I would. Using the handset doesn’t not allow me to connect wirelessly, which I stupidly assumed it would! Synscan seems to work well, either the handset or the app, and with Skywire it works well too, but nothing I try works wirelessly without skysafari.

To answer a previous question, it is in Access Point mode, but have no idea of any other changes to try.

Stu, I was just wondering if you resolved your sky safari wireless issues eventually?

I have to say I have given up with trying wireless connection with the Az Gti. I just use the synscan handset and connect it to my iPhone via sky wire cable. Then I can use sky safari directly through my phone. Works really well with no drops outs.

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