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Derwent Water and Keswick

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I've been away for a few nights to Keswick and the first night was reasonably clear. A bit of mid layer cloud but not too bad. It appears that Orion and reflections are the theme again, as in the widefield competition :)

Nikon D750, Tamron 15 - 30 f2.8 all at f2.8. The Keswick Launch shot and the Friar's Crag bench shot were ISO 3200 for 25 seconds. The Derwent Water and Friar's Crag shots were 6400 for 20 seconds. ( Don't read too much into those figures. It all depends on which way I hold my mouth )

All except the Bench image were single subs. The Bench was another Sequator five sub stack. As much as an experiment as anything else to see if the fine tree detail would remain and the sky would be smooth and less noisy. The darker shade sections were therefor recoverable even more so than normal. There was a very slight breeze so some branches did move a bit.

Very minor processing on all four other than the fact that decisions took so long to make. Looking back at the processing steps I can't believe the time taken ! I avoided trying to enhance the Milky Way too much as it would look unnatural.

So .... next time you find yourself up there, give it a go :)


Derwent Sequator-2.jpg

Derwent Water.jpg

Friar's Crag.jpg

Keswick Launch.jpg

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Hi Sara. Glad you like them. I hope they remind you of home :)

Steve and Alan. Lovely place isn't it ? It looks a bit different at night but still recognisable. 

SteveA and Mars. Thanks very much. You remarks make it worth the effort.

Cheers also for the likes :)


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5 hours ago, Beulah said:

Number 3 for me. Excellent processing and compositon where you have brought out the stars but also used the ground light polluton to create interest in the hills. A fabulous image.

That's very nice of you to say. You've been looking very closely ! I did have to resort to a touch of noise reduction in Lightroom but I think I got away with it.


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2 minutes ago, davew said:

That's very nice of you to say. You've been looking very closely ! I did have to resort to a touch of noise reduction in Lightroom but I think I got away with it.


You're welcome. It's flipping hard work getting out there, especially difficult getting the composition right in the dark  - sometimes daytime recces can help to a certain degree but you have to have a lot of imagination! -  so can appreciate the effort required.... my last 'batch' was done in -10 wind chill and sometimes you don't even know if there's going to be a breeze interfering with the subs...

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2 minutes ago, Beulah said:

You're welcome. It's flipping hard work getting out there, so can appreciate the effort required.... my last 'batch' was done in -10 wind chill and sometimes you don't even know if there's going to be a breeze interfering with the subs...

As you can see from three of the images, there was hardly a breath of breeze that night. I was so lucky but over dressed ! What you can't tell is the noise of the Ducks ! What a racket while doing two and three.


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3 minutes ago, Daniel-K said:

#4 for me hard to choose they are all awesome 

Thanks Danny. That's very kind of you to say. I did like the Launch as I was taking it and tried five shots. I couldn't stack them because the Launch was moving !


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3 minutes ago, davew said:

Thanks Danny. That's very kind of you to say. I did like the Launch as I was taking it and tried five shots. I couldn't stack them because the Launch was moving !


i love this area of the lakes it has so much to offer for landscapers, i have a image i want to do from the summit of catbells of the milkyway over skiddaw this year. hopefully i can pull it off :)

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  • 2 years later...
2 hours ago, LuceG said:

hi, Im brand new here, just wondering if its possible to buy prints of your keswick, derwent water pictures at all? Ive tried to find your work elsewhere, but Dave W isnt really enough to go on!


Hi Luce,

I don't think you'll find my photos anywhere else as I don't post them to any photo sites I'm afraid. I've never sold any of my work either as it's a side of Astrophotography that I don't get involved with. 

I am however really happy and flattered that you like these photos so much and do apologise.

Welcome to the forum and if this type of photography is new to you then hang around, ask questions and then take some of your favorite places. It's very easy when you try it out.

Any further questions then don't hesitate to get back to me and I'll try and answer,


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