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How do you keep your Tak 100.

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Those of you with a Tak 100, what do you use to store / take it to where you observe from?

My Tak 76 fits in a Tamarac photographers backpack that I use to store and protect the ota in when it goes in the car to and from Seething. 

The 100 looks a bit too long for a backpack, so what are you using?



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I have two options.

Most of the time I use a Geoptik soft case which does a very good job


As a hard case for more serious travel, plus to go as hand baggage I have a Pelicase 1510. It only fits in there with the focuser and dew shield removed so is better for longer trips.


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4 minutes ago, John said:

Blimey ! - I'm not letting my Tak look at this thread - it will feel that it's uncared for :rolleyes2:

No need one. Yours is very often out observing!  :rolleyes: 

I hope mine will too

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1 minute ago, Piero said:

No need one. Yours is very often out observing!  :rolleyes: 

I hope mine will too

I have thought about getting a nice padded bag for the Tak and also the TMB / LZOS 130 but they would have to be stored flat then which would look like body bags laying around our dining room !.

My other half would have something to say ..... :rolleyes2:


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My TV60 lives on the tripod. I basically put it in its bag when off cycling or in the winter before coming inside. The Tak will stay in the padded bag when not used for sure. :) 

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57 minutes ago, Piero said:


My TV60 lives on the tripod. I basically put it in its bag when off cycling or in the winter before coming inside. The Tak will stay in the padded bag when not used for sure. :) 

You wont care if it rains for a month, as they make a nice showpiece when mounted on a tripod in the corner of the room. They are a bit too nice to leave bagged or boxed up, and just staring at them and playing with the focuser is more entertaining than anything that you'll find to watch on television!

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16 hours ago, GavStar said:

Here's mine in a padded manfrotto tripod case. Light and easily transportable with good protection. Not for overseas travel though.



I have the same Manfrotto case as Gavin. Think it was about £55 from a camera store. It's like it was designed specifically for the FC-100, and accommodates the various adapters and extenders at the diagonal end, with space for a few eyepieces too.

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