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Today marks 3 months since I joined SGL and wrote my first post. At that point I'd had my scope for two and a half months. I'd looked at the Moon, Venus, M45 and Jupiter. That week had been my first look at Jupiter. I think that was the point that I got bitten by the Astrobug. I was so excited to see Jupiter and it's 4 moons. I took pictures using my phone and posted them proudly on Facebook. I couldn't see any detail on Jupiter but was absolutely thrilled to see the 4 little moons around the big gas giant. 

My equipment list consisted of  SkyWatcher 10mm and 25mm eyepieces, a 2x SkyWatcher Barlow and a cheap moon filter that turned everything green. All of these came with the scope. I started researching and discovered @rwilkey's excellent eyepiece guide (http://www.swindonstargazers.com/beginners/eyepieces.htm). Reading reviews of the various eyepieces often led me to SGL. I eventually turned this research into an equipment wish list. It was this wish list that formed the contents of my first post, I was looking for opinions on whether I'd chosen wisely! I received lots of great responses, including sensible advice to invest in something like Turn Left at Orion. Equipment is pretty useless if you don't know how to use it or what to look for!

3 months down the line and I now have an equipment case with lots of great tools. I've centre spotted my primary mirror and learnt how to collimate my scope. I can now star hop using a Sky Atlas which is a skill that I'm still refining! I've now seen 19 Messiers, Saturn, the Veil Nebula a Comet  Johnson. My scope has allowed me to split double and triple stars and shown me globular clusters, open clusters, galaxies and planetary nebulas. I have many wonderful memories but I think my favourites have been M42, M13, M81 & M82, the double cluster of NGC 869 & NGC 884 and Saturn.

I want to say a great big thank you to all the members who have advised and encouraged me over the last 3 months. You've all helped me to take my observing skills to the next level and make sensible choices on what equipment to buy. This is a hobby where frustration can quickly lead to an unused scope sitting in the garage or loft. SGL is a community that I'm proud to be a part of.

Clear Skies to you all!

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One thing that we are very good at is spending other peoples money :)

Pleased that you're seeing lots of stuff and its great that you're a member of our little peaceful part of the internet! 


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great 3 month review mate, you have come a long way in a short time , well done. one thing I can tell you in this hobby is we never stop learning, I learn at least 5 things a week but forget 3 things :happy7: but love the whole learning thingy. ive learnt the most off here, and I love the way knowhow of members on here is vast and given freely. heres to the next 3 months.   charl.

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At first all these things seem daunting and incomprehensible. Well, they certainly did to me and @Mrs Racey. But, as you say, with a bit of patience and researching, things start to be clearer and begin to make more sense...

We've certainly enjoyed and continue to enjoy the learning and experiences we're having since first picking up a pair of Binoculars back in November last year...

I get the feeling that this learning journey is without end. But therein lies part of the attraction for us...

Doubt our bank manager is quite so chuffed !

Hope you continue to enjoy your journey too. I'm sure you will... :thumbsup:

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It sounds like your come far in just 3 months, lovely to read your review, and wishing you lots of great views in the future....and of course there will be more spending which is always fun :) 

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We're very pleased to have you on SGL  Littleguy80. We know we have a worthy member when so much enthusiasm 
comes through your post.  You'll continue to improve, and  your Astronomy will  become  your friend for life, and you will make many other
friends here for sure. 
Saturn is just past opposition now (Directly opposite the sun in the night sky).  but it is low down toward the horizon,
so you will need an unobstructed  Southern view to see it in your scope.
Best Wishes.

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What a great enthusiastic post, you've certainly come a long way since starting out.

I have enjoyed reading your observing reports, you always seem to be enjoying the experience.

Good luck and please keep posting.

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