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NEQ5 Park command on pier

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I have successfully used NEQ5 for several years but since just moving to pier having some problems with SynScan Park command.  Park keeps the alignment data, but how long is that good data? E.g. should I be able to start from park at exact same location the next night without re-alignment? Or later the same night?

Lat/Long and time are entered via a GPS module. If I power back on right away the same night it appears to work fine, and, after all, there is very little change needed in alignment. But the next night, quite off. 



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I was always under the impression that you should always clear the alignment data at the beginning of every new session and run a new alignment setup.

Are you using the handset or eqmod or handset via pc?



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10 hours ago, spillage said:

I was always under the impression that you should always clear the alignment data at the beginning of every new session and run a new alignment setup.

Are you using the handset or eqmod or handset via pc?



Hi Spill

The Park command is designed to avoid having to do all that - when it's working :-)


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@michael8554 Do you not have to leave the mount/computer powered on to keep the data correct though? I would realign anyway just to be sure. It only take minutes and means that I can cross that off my list.

I would hate to waste time due to an alignment error.

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As per Michael with my Meade GPS I park at the end of a session generally pointing south at 0 dec and switch everything off then just switch on at next session and off I go, no aligning or owt.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I use Synscan on tripod and Dob AZ/ALT mounts. I usually start a session with the mount level and OTA pointing roughly North (compass or Polaris). I often use the "Park", "Home" at the end of a session just to put everything back to roughly where it started. Its always safer to slide a dovetail plate out horizontally, and the 250PX OTA lifts straight up out of the Dob mount. I move all the kit under cover, so have to re-align at the next session.

If I align before tea, and observe afterwards, I leave the mount powered if using mains power, but if on batteries, I use "Park", power-down, eat, power-up, select "Reset from Park" option, correct the time (date unchanged), and start observing.

My understanding is that:- if you "Park", "Home", and then leave the mount untouched after power-down, the axes will be calibrated from the star alignment used during that session, with the AZ pointing to celestial North, and ALT horizontal. When you power-up again, the software sets both axes to electrical zero; with the mount already having the benefit of your previous alignment, and thus at "mechanical" zero; then all you need to update is date and time, so that the software can calculate the GOTO position of an object with respect to North/horizontal.



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