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Callisto going "over the top" tonight


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Some decent views of Jupiter this evening with the GRS now well on the disk but the seeing here is not as sharp as it was last night.

Looks like Callisto will pass over the N pole of Jupiter's disk this evening rather than going behind it or transiting. Might make an interesting sight around half past midnight ? :smiley:


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Inspired by last nights super seeing I dug out my old Atik filter wheel and some coloured filters to have a go at imaging it but seeing is not so steady tonight, will have a go when the GRS is near the middle.


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It's a bit bobins up north is the seeing tonight,  no where near as nice as last time out.  Lucky enough to just catch the grs before jupiter passes over a neighbour's house, which halts the jupiter viewing for another night.. that bungalow is like a cooling tower!

Still plenty more to see...

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It's been about the hottest day of the year here today so I suspect there is still lots of heat in the buildings / tarmac around me that is leaking upwards :rolleyes2:

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47 minutes ago, Fozzie said:

It's a bit bobins up north is the seeing tonight,  no where near as nice as last time out.  Lucky enough to just catch the grs before jupiter passes over a neighbour's house, which halts the jupiter viewing for another night.. that bungalow is like a cooling tower!

Still plenty more to see...

the ring looks nice tonight, taking 300x no color though

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29 minutes ago, faulksy said:

are you looking in your frac john ? just seen it now in the 8e and its at the bottom :happy11:

Yep - frac tonight, again :smiley:

Just managed to pry the supernova out once more - tough in 130mm of aperture but definitely there still at around mag 12.7.

Seeing here is nowhere near what it was last night for planetary. Very decent views of M13, M92 (both well resolved for the aperture) and M57 :smiley:

Also found the rather faint but ancient globular M56 - 13.7 billion years old !. Compare that with the Ring Neb's very youthful 7K years ....


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24 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

Seeing has gone right down the tubes now, giving up for the night.


Same here Dave :rolleyes2:

Consolation glass of Shiraz in hand ..... :smiley:

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59 minutes ago, faulksy said:

the ring looks nice tonight, taking 300x no color though

Just come in. I thought it looked good as well Mike. I was looking about 200x with my 10mm. Cats Eye was good as well.

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33 minutes ago, John said:

Yep - frac tonight, again :smiley:

Just managed to pry the supernova out once more - tough in 130mm of aperture but definitely there still at around mag 12.7.

Seeing here is nowhere near what it was last night for planetary. Very decent views of M13, M92 (both well resolved for the aperture) and M57 :smiley:

Also found the rather faint but ancient globular M56 - 13.7 billion years old !. Compare that with the Ring Neb's very youthful 7K years ....


I caught m56 briefly as well after looking at albireo. It was indeed quite faint, I would have spent longer on it had I realised how old it is. :) 

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8 minutes ago, Derek1973 said:

Just had my first views of Jupiter and moons through my new scope 1st one, happy days. is it possible to se Saturn tonight or is it too low ? new to this 

As long as you've got a reasonable southerly view it's easy to spot, the brightest thing low down.

Look on Stellarium to see where it is.


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1 hour ago, faulksy said:

just for a laugh then, i power mated my 5mm pentax on jupiter, detail wasnt brilliant, could see the bands off and on, but bright colors in the moons, quite impressed

just worked that out it was 960x :headbang:

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16 minutes ago, John said:

What you need is 4x Powermate Mike ....... :wink:



never realy use the pm. just did it for fun. nice to see bright colors in the moons though, skys are very milky though, just seen a bright yellow saturn :happy11:

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Seems great minds think alike... ?

Susie and I had a cracking night on many of the same targets. Although we didn't try for M56 we did search out M51 in the 14" to give Susie her first sighting. 

A very pleasant evening concluded with a nightcap on the terrace after the scopes had been put away, observing the Milky Way with now't but our own eyes...

Now we're equipped to go after the faint stuff we'll give M56 a go...

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Just come back. Callisto on top of Jupiter was quite funny as event! The seeing was nothing special though. Saturn was rather dull. 

Visited the double cluster, M29, managed to see the outer parts of the Veil (a bit of milky way is visible over here), and the major clusters on the Swan's body. 

At around 7pm I had a very nice solar observation too. Somehow the air was much much steadier. Granulation was well defined throughout the solar surface. A nice patch of faculae was also easily visible near the North. The area of small/medium size sunspots was also pretty. 

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We did manage to catch Callisto's jump and the GRS - in marginal seeing, but still fun. It's been quite the luxury to see Saturn every night as well. Earlier on, it was M13, Sigma CrB, Nu CrB, Double Double, Zeta Lyr, Delta Lyr, Beta Lyr, Nu Lyr and the sudden total disappearance of Lyra as I suddenly realized we would be cloud dodging for the rest of the night.

On to M7, M6, NGC6520, M8, M20, M25, M24, M18, M17 and M16. And some of the local vino.

A good night.


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That's great and it's inspired Susie to go and have a rummage for her sketch pad @Moonshane :thumbsup:

She's just commented how much she enjoys her watercolours and observing...

And she's excited to try and document what she sees henceforth... ?


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Strange the way the seeing deteriorated as the "weather" approached; I had a quick look during twilight just as the GRS was peeping round the edge of the disk, and the seeing was ok, but nothing special, with some rippling air movements visible and Callisto itself had an odd shimmer. Later on (midnight), the seeing was poor, with Saturn a mess and even easy doubles barely resolved - Jupiter at this stage was shimmering with the swimming pool effect. Ah well, we have had a few days with excellent seeing though before last night!


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