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Some galaxies and a planetary in Coma Berenices.


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LukeBL posted a nice NGC4725 recently. Here it is again in a wide field which includes PNG339.9+88.4, the tidally distorted galaxy NGC4747 and the Sbc galaxy NGC4712. Plenty of faint fuzzies, too. NGC4725 is a barred spiral with prominent ring structure. One of my favourites.

I've a suspicion that this camera isn't cooling properly so the colour was a real fight and the Ha I shot last night is scrap. The PN shows well enough in LRGB like this and I've emailed a query to Atik to ask if the FITS header temperature is a record of what temp I set or whether it is a measurement of the real temp. (It was showing -25 but I'm not convinced.) The day was saved by using old ODK14 data for colour in the three galaxies.

Once we have the technology sorted the addition of Ha and OIII for the PN would be nice.

TEC140 and ODK14. WIdefield L 4Hrs, RGB 1.5 hrs per colour. Similar exposures from the ODK14.

Enough excuses, here's the pic! Best seen in the larger size. Click on the image and full size button is lower left.




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Great image- the galaxy detail is good presumably down to the ODK-love the barred spiral- your stars are always good -I presume you do some star size reduction techniques?- I am never happy with my stars but you have far more data than I usually use for colour and I guess that may explain a lot - is there a feint background blue here? Actually - I think it is the effect of the small blue stars or my blue tinged eyes!- best wishes Tony

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49 minutes ago, Nova2000 said:

Nice image ollypenrice.  The galaxies look nice. 

Which is the planetary nebula? Is it the star with a little haze surrounding it? 

Yes, that's the one. In fact our present guest shot 1.5 hours of OIII in his own TEC last night and we've just blended it. It's nicer. I'll update the pic when I get a chance.

44 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

Nice to see galaxies in their surroundings.

Have you,  are you going to, get your "new" SCT set up for imaging ?


The SCT project went on 'hold' because the idea was to mount it on one of our robotic guest's mounts, a GM1000, but he had so much trouble with it that he took a refund and is now using an Avalon which is too small for the SCT. However, I have a second Mesu coming next month so I'm aiming to give it a run on that.

34 minutes ago, tony210 said:

Great image- the galaxy detail is good presumably down to the ODK- your stars are always good -I presume you do some star size reduction techniques?- I have not posted much on this site as I am never happy with my stars but you have far more data than I usually use for colour and I guess that may explain a lot - is there a feint background blue here?- best wishes Tony

Actually the ODK data was very soft. I guess it was down to poor seeing but I can't remember. The resolution was much the same as in the TEC data. The problem was poor S/N in the TEC colour because the camera isn't happy for some reason.

I like to have equal amounts per channel of L,R,G and B becaue it makes processing easier. However, with the usual Photoshop thuggery you can work with two or three times as much L. I perfer not to when possible, though. There are no ODK stars in this. They would have added spikes. There was no star reduction here other than on the handful of bg ones, which I pulled down in Curves near the end.


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9 minutes ago, johnrt said:

Oh, I imaged this galaxy pair last year or the year before, can't quite remember, but had no idea there was a planetary lurking right next door, very interesting!

I only noticed it in SkyMap when planning the framing. It isn't a popular target, it seems.

Here it is with 1.5 Hrs of OIII from guest Ton's own TEC140/GM1000/QSI683 Astrodon. 3x30 minutes, guided. (And with its poor neck wrung in Ps! It shows OIII is the way to go, though.)




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49 minutes ago, PatrickGilliland said:

Nice work Olly, they galaxies are very nicely coloured and detailed, is that a shell around the star to the left or is it something else (faint neb?)


That's the planetary, Paddy. I don't know if the bright star visually centred on it is the progenitor. I'd be surprized. It seems too bright. Probably line of sight.


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Awesome.  I see you have no problem processing for full image zoomed viewing.  That is my goal.  I think that the fits header documents the temp that you set--not the actual temp.  Otherwise, it would mean that the software that writes the FITs header has the ability to "take the temperature", and I don't think think it does.  


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2 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

That's the planetary, Paddy. I don't know if the bright star visually centred on it is the progenitor. I'd be surprized. It seems too bright. Probably line of sight.



Thanks Olly - maybe I should read the initial description next time....nice work and based on paying attention nice framing also :)

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4 hours ago, Rodd said:

Awesome.  I see you have no problem processing for full image zoomed viewing.  That is my goal.  I think that the fits header documents the temp that you set--not the actual temp.  Otherwise, it would mean that the software that writes the FITs header has the ability to "take the temperature", and I don't think think it does.  


I have plenty of problems in processing for full size zoomed viewing, Rodd. It's just that I feel like a cheat if I don't! In this one the big problem was the noise in the colour layer, which is a technology issue, I think. I did far more NR than I'd like to do. I used custom techniques based on zooming in to pixel scale to see what was going on.

Since I can find nothing wrong with the cooler on the camera I'll have to look at the usual suspêcts like the USB leads, etc.


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Very nice capture not a galaxy I have seen before until lukeBL post, it really is a nice galaxy(NGC 4725) and in the widefield is offset by some nice star colours and faint fuzzies. Will be interesting to see if the fits header is a recording of the real temp or the one set by yourself

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