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Quick visual with ED120/Giro


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A rare clear evening, so put the 120ED out on the Giro/CG5 

first target of course the crescent moon, lots of yellow false colour but its low and scope still cooling, still good views and at last i get to try the new to me Giro 2 mount ( @John cheers mate, all good)

Then to Venus, have to say one of the best views ever, a proper sharp defined crescent planet, i thought i was getting a hint of something like earthiness but might have been my mind playing games

Tried to look at M45 but i had forgot to lock tube rings and the scope slide back, silly me

Then my first view of M42 this year, very good, got a hint of a 5th star in the Trapezium, but only a hint.

all in all a good brief session, this was mainly just to try the scope mount combo and very pleased with it 

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On 3/1/2017 at 20:40, nightfisher said:

I took some pics of the set up and forgot to include them in the first post..........better late than never

ED120 Giro (1).JPG

ED120 Giro (2).JPG

I see i need to do some tidying up, the top of the tripod has green overspray from when i painted a tricopter frame! and the counterweight is looking rusty

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Looking good Jules. I got my ED 120 out for its first proper session earlier this week and was very impressed with the views given. I did not notice any false colour on the Moon so I am sure you just suffered from atmospheric CA.

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1 hour ago, SyedT said:

Currently managing with an ED80 for DSO imaging, but that ED120 looks very tempting to be honest! :D

For imaging the ED80 has a better field of view

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12 minutes ago, nightfisher said:

For imaging the ED80 has a better field of view

Would you say so? I'm just foraying into CMOS imaging using an ASI1600MM and filters. Previously used a DSLR but felt like the time had come to make the shift. :)

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