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Brilliant observing day - Moon, Planets + HH + Bubble etc

Mark at Beaufort

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Yesterday was an excellent start to the New Year.

In the morning I observed the Sun with my Lunt solar binos + the PST to view a few Proms and Filaments.

I set up the 12" Dob late afternoon because I wanted to see a particular crater from the Lunar 100 list.  I have been covering this list for 7 years and for some reason had not recorded the Faults, Rilles and Domes in the Cauchy region. Well that has now been covered using the 6.7mm and 4.7mm ES82 EPs. The Moon was very sharp so also studied Messier, Pickering and Censorinus.

Next over to the Planets viewing Venus with its phase, Mars, Neptune and Uranus - no Moons viewed.

I had planned an evening of DSOs starting with 3 Galaxies in Eridanus which are contained in the Secret Deep book. Started with NGC1300 which was faint being so low and in a misty area - saw it with averted vision using the 13mm Ethos. Next two Galaxies NGC 1400 and NGC1407 are in the same FOV of the 13mm Ethos - both appear round with NGC1407 brighter.

Wanted to check DSOs in Cassopeia and started with NGC281 (Pacman Neb) - fitted a Castell O-III filter to my 20mm Myraid and was able to see the shape of the Neb. Over to M52 a lovely cluster and used both my 13mm Ethos and 11mm ES82. Before trying the Bubble I viewed NGC7538 ( Cepheus) using my Lumicon UHC on the 13mm Ethos. This is a nice Neb and has two stars right in the Centre. Before leaving Cepheus I viewed a fantastic cluster  NGC 7510 - really recommend this one. Whilst there had a look at King 19.

I was not hopeful with the Bubble (NGC7635) having failed several times before. I fitted the Castell O-III onto the 20mm Myraid and I could detect a faint glow - no Bubble - but I could see parts of this Emission Neb.

Over to Orion but starting with NGC2174 (Monkey Head Neb) - again fitted the Castell O-III and saw a faint haze around a number of stars. For some time I have been trying to see NGC2163 (Cederblad 62) which is number 35 in the Hidden Treasurers Book. Well I tried again but I cannot see a streak - maybe another time.

Well its HH and the Flame time. Fitted the 13mm Ethos to view the Flame trying to keep Alnitak out of the FOV. Able to see dark lanes. Over to IC434 fitting the H.Beta to a 24mm ES68 EP. Could see the glow of IC434 and swopping between the H.Beta and Lumicon UHC I am sure I could detect a notch where HH was located. Could not make make out a proper shape just something darker and different.

Its now late and very cold so I ended with M35 and NGC2158 - I decided on this DSO because Steve (@BinocularSky) had mention a cluster IC2157 in his newsletter which I had not seen.

So 6 hours+ of observing - went inside and had a beer. Great start to 2017.

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nearly all bases covered there!...a wonderfully varied session had Mark. I did the secret deep 3 in Eridanus while at SWSP, a great book that presents nicely balanced challenges. Thanks for sharing,clear skies

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Great session Mark.

I had a look at NGC2158 as well. Easily missed against the suburbs of the splended M35, but stands out nicely once you have spotted it! A favourite sight..

Well done on the HH. Still trying here.


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Mark,congrats for the HH! and the Bubble and...:thumbsup:

The immediate area of the Bubble is a favorite hunting ground and time is well spent here IMHO.The HH looks like a "thumbprint" to me kind of, now seen it will reveal itself to you many times, conditions allowing.

I'm very happy members are getting some great weather over there.

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Really nice report Mark, I like the book title Secret Deep, sounds like a book on wreck diving or something like that, maybe a trip down to the Titanic. We have some nice skies here at the moment but I can't get out for frozen snow, there is much more on the way tomorrow as well followed by polar temperature, minus 11 max daytime.


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