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Horse experiments with an ST80


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Weather was forecast not to be great so I decided to have some fun and see what I could get if I dusted off my old ST80 guide scope and Atik314L+ rather than set up the usual kit. The mist stayed away a lot longer than I thought it would and it got pretty clear in the end so I had a chance for a few experiments. I also got some RGB on M42.

This is just 18x90sec (unguided) through a Baader red filter (closest thing I have to Ha in my manual filter wheel usually used for planetary) stacked in AA5 and then some basic processing in PS of levels, curves and some noise reduction.

I got an image on a night I wouldn't normally set up on and I'm amazed at what is possible with so few subs, basic processing and a completely standard £80 scope. I wasn't expecting the scope to perform so well.


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Thanks for the comments/interest in the ST80 experiments. Agree with Gina that NB would be even better but I don't have any NB filters in my planetary filter wheel and I didn't want to take my other wheel off the NM190 just for this bit of fun. Was interesting to see what could be achieved though. The RGB I captured on M42 is proving more of a challenge as the B stars are WAY bigger than the R and G.

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14 hours ago, Gina said:

I too have had some great results from the ST80 - great little scope :)  Particularly good for NB where the chromatic aberration is not an issue.

Yep no purple rings when you only need to focus one wavelength. :)


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