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The Moon Center Trio


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Most people believe that the moon is, well, a simple moon, but some people say that in reality, the satellite should be classified as a planet. The main reason for this is the size of the celestial body, which although it is about a quarter of the Earth's diameter, is by far the largest natural satellite compared to its planet in our Solar System.
Because of its large size, the Moon does not orbit Earth itself. In fact, both bodies rotate around each other, concentrating on a point between the two (called the barycenter). As this region is located in the earth's crust, we have the illusion that the "satellite" surrounds us. The fact that the barycentre is inside our planet is the only element that prevents the classification of both as twin planets.
Source: Megacurioso

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1 hour ago, astroavani said:

by far the largest natural satellite compared to its planet in our Solar System

Only true since Pluto was declassified as a planet ... Charon being nearly 50% of the diameter of Pluto (1172km/2374km) ;).

Nice photo of one of my favourite lunar features.

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Fantastic mosaic and nice accompanying info although I feel the whole planet thing in general could do with a revamp. Could life exist on Jupiter or Venus?! Probably not yet it flourishes on Earth. All planets but only one can support life yet is categorized the same only on size and gravitational pull. As we boldly go deeper into space finding possible life giving planets shouldn't they have their own classification other than "Class M planet" 


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Great image!

Surely every orbiting object exerts a force on the heavier aparently central object. Therefore the central object will move (even if it is by a millimetre). So there is no such thing as a satalite????

A minor point, as I really enjoy the op's images and accoumpanying write ups.


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