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Sol 7-12-16 10.20


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arrh lovely sunshine, and thay said 100% cloud, next year I'm going to keep a record to see how many times thay get it wrong, seeings not bad, looks like we could be heading for another blank one.

kit- ed80,1.5x barlow, lunt wedge, 1200d in mono and 1:1 crop mode. 72 frames staxed with regi.

thanks for looking and I wish you clear skys with good seeing.  charl.


sol 7-12-16 10.20.png


sol 7-12-16 10.20 col.png

coloured invert.

sol 7-12-16 10.20 inv.png

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Nicely done Charl, looking on GONG there are some super proms, hope someone has some Sun, clouds here.

Quark has arrived back at Daystar, hopefully it will return before the Sun gets high enough to image properly again.


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