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Sol 1-12-16 10.10


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well this was a turnout for the books, the soothsayers said 100% cloud and I get 70% sunshine ,just abit of cloud about. seeing about the same as yesterday which is fair considering the vapour from the frost.

kit-ed80, 1.5x barlow, lunt wedge, 1200d in mono and 1:1 crop mode. 65 frames staxed with regi.

thanks for looking and I hope you all have clear sky with fair seeing.  charl.


sol 1-12-16 10.10.png


sol 1-12-16 10.10 col.png

coloured invert

sol 1-12-16 10.10 inv.png

action shot asi120mc.

sol 1-12-16 10 cu1.png 

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 Nicely done Charl, a good selection of spots making WL look good ATM.

This morning my Quark has gone wonky so no solar from me today, looks like it will have to go back to Daystar for repair, could be worse I guess as I'm nearly at the stage of a couple of weeks without a good view of the Sun.


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