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Targets for SGL12?


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What targets are you hoping to image or observe at SGL12?

Personally I am  hoping to capture the flaming star nebula, I have 8 x 15 min subs from the SGL South Wales Group Star Party near Brecon at the beginning of this month and would like to add some more.

Here is the Cone and Fox Fur I took at SGL 10 in 2015


New Cone & Fox Fur.jpg

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TBH I'm not sure. I was planning on getting some RGB data on M33 but I don't want to dismantle my imaging rig for two days, especialy given how fussy the DDM is to balance.

I may just look at a rich star field with the 80mm and DSLR to adjust out some tilt.

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My targets for SGLXII are:

  • quaffing a bottle or two of sparkly to celebrate Astronut's birthday (he's 59 on the Friday!) and may a tot or two of single malt (if Starflyer is willing!)
  • play some serious cards/silly games late into the night (in the absence of clear skies)
  • get up obscenely late in the morning
  • cadge a glance or two through some of those delectable Dobsonians!

ps Identity Alert

  • We're borrowing my dad's caravan, so don't look for us in a tent!
  • My hair's brown now (no longer blonde or red) so now you know - Michael Morris (ahem!) - you can't pretend you don't recognise me! But Ian's still bald(!)
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Already made a very in depth list with a lot of nebula, incl a lot of small planetary nebula. As mentioned though some difficult non pn's, afew galaxies and clusters and a fair list of doubles to give the frac and my star hopping skills a workout. Should be fun although i hope lee's optimism isn't disapointed.  

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On 13 October 2016 at 21:15, Moonshane said:

Go for it mate but I suspect you need to modify your expectations just a tad :wink:

Aim high to achieve your goals, it may be hard but you will know your endevours will gain merit. Courtesy of WSC

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I am star partying at the same time as SGL, will raise a glass to you guys when we go down the pub for dinner. 

I plan to reacquaint myself with some of my faint nebulous friends in Cygnus and Cepheus (maybe further towards Orion depending on the weather and my ability to stay awake). On the lookout for sharpless objects, have got some printouts to compare the view to.


Hopefully will have a society dob to play with, so get 





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I would love to join but it's our annual half-term trip to Dunstanburgh with the tin snail.  I will be taking my SA though with a view to catching some wide field.  I imagine the site will be busy as its school holidays. Hope you get clear skies.

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