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Green flash???

scared of loud noises

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I was asleep in my bed about three hours ago when something extremely loud woke me up. It was my fish tank light and filter turning on and off two or three times. Immediately after this happened, there was a seriously bright sheet flash of green light that didn't cover the whole sky, but a great deal of it. Following the green flash, four car alarms went off in my street and there was a loud electric pulsing noise twice. One of the weirdest parts about this though, is that my fish tank is plugged into the same adapter that all of my other electronics are plugged into, yet it was the only thing to change during this occurrence. Needless to say, I cowered like a little girl and slept on the floor in my brothers room. Any suggestions? I've looked it up but can't quite seem to find any articles like this anywhere. 

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  • 1 year later...

I know that I posted that two years ago, but it just happened to me again. When it happened that first time people didn’t believe me because I was quite sick, but I’m perfectly healthy right now and just went through a repeat. All the lights in my house flickered & the electricity was flickering for a few seconds too (my laptop & phone charging flicked in and out) and I heard the loud electric pulsing noise again. After that a car alarm went off in my street and nothing has happened since. I woke up my brother to explain and he said maybe an EMT? Eerily enough, it was also September when I first posted about this two years ago. My blinds were closed so I couldn’t see outside when it happened & couldn’t tell you whether or not the green flash came again. Hoping this is just something easily explained to soothe my nerves. 

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