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NGC6960 Witch's Broom and Pickering's Triangle Bi-colour


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It is easy to see why this is such a popular target with its equally strong Ha and OIII signals.  This is may fist time on this particular part of the Veil and I collected some of the Ha subs at the end of July and have finished off this last week with 4 hours of Ha and 3 hours of OIII, despite the odd interruptions from passing cloud.  Oh and one major interruption with a dying laptop and having to spend the best part of a day migrating and installing software on a new W10 pc :hiding:.  Thank goodness for Bank Holiday sales.

There  are many wonderful mosaics of the whole Veil Complex and it will have to go onto the 'to do' list however with a couple of clear nights possible and with no moon, it will have to be a LRGB target next I think.


  • FSQ85 EDX at F3.9
  • 10 Micron GM1000HPS
  • QSI683-wsg and Astrodon 5nm NB filters
  • SGP and PI

Clear Skies to all!



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12 minutes ago, jtlandreneau said:

beauty! if you don't mind me asking, is that a false diffraction spike on Cyg 52? Wasn't expecting to see one with your Tak

No, its an effect created by the micro lensing on the KAF-8300 ccd.  The prominance of the spikes depends on how much you have pushed the data and managed star bloating :happy7:.

16 minutes ago, Gina said:

Very nice indeed :)

Thanks Gina.  Ned your widefield rig to gather the whole Veil Complex in one hit though :hello:.

Cheers Dave.  Yes, its always tricky knowing when to mute the stars and let the main object of the composition take centre stage or whether to let the Milky Way stars burst through!

How are you getting on with your mount - all up and running now?

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Lovely Veil neb Barry, I've had spikes myself at one point but that was due to a very small sliver of paint (dry) that found its way onto my reducer optics - took me ages to figure out the problem. Just as well I had not heard about the micro-lensing artifact otherwise I would have put it down to being that and never fixed it!  I take it all these subs were un-guided? :)


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27 minutes ago, gnomus said:

Wonderful, as ever, Barry.  Glad to hear you are getting some sky....

Thanks Steve.  With clear skies forecast tonight too.  How's your new Esprit, collecting photons?

18 minutes ago, ChrisLX200 said:

Lovely Veil neb Barry, I've had spikes myself at one point but that was due to a very small sliver of paint (dry) that found its way onto my reducer optics - took me ages to figure out the problem. Just as well I had not heard about the micro-lensing artifact otherwise I would have put it down to being that and never fixed it!  I take it all these subs were un-guided? :)


Cheers Chris. Yes all subs unguided.  It's relatively easy with the short FL of the Baby Q when reduced (328mm) and am looking forward to seeing how the WO FLT132 performs at its natural FL later this year.

21 minutes ago, alan4908 said:

Very good Barry - I do like the "dark and mysterious" feel to the image. I also like the way that you have pushed the stars into the background.


Thanks Alan.  Balancing the processing of stars is not straightforward as we all know and it can be challenging in PI to do so without bludgeoning and creating artefacts such that the result is worse than when you started.

23 minutes ago, PatrickGilliland said:

Nice work again Barry, good balance with stars Vs Nebula - will keep eye out for when the entire Veil is completed - with out whether should be all wrapped up this time next year!



I've been working on pushing them further back and also softening with a small amount of blurring - it's too easy with the razer sharp optics of the FSQ to get harsh stars with an abrupt almost posterised edge.  The complete Veil would be great and there is still time allowing if we had a good spell later in late summer :happy11:.

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Very delicately pulled off, Barry. The big NB advantage is the tiny star size. They soon overwhelm this target in LRGB. For a modest amount of data you have some of the intriguing faint parts showing well. I particularly like the 'second' broom handle. Your colours are very close to RGB, too.


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2 hours ago, Barry-Wilson said:

Cheers Dave.  Yes, its always tricky knowing when to mute the stars and let the main object of the composition take centre stage or whether to let the Milky Way stars burst through!

How are you getting on with your mount - all up and running now?

Just got the autofocus to sort out now, had a go a few nights ago without much success but it did generate a wobbly V  curve before it clouded over, all ready for another try tonight if there are some clear bits.


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18 hours ago, cardconvict said:

All I can really say is WOW that us stunning and I really hope I get to this quality 1 day.

Thanks Ian - patience, practise and perseverance and you will.

18 hours ago, StuartJPP said:

Smashing work Barry...

Cheers Stuart.

9 hours ago, Martin-Devon said:

Lovely image Barry - the processing is just perfect, not pushed at all, and the result is a very natural delicate outcome - top drawer!


Many thanks Martin.

9 hours ago, swag72 said:

I really like that Barry - Subtle and delicate processing - A real delight to look at!!! 

Thanks Sara.  Just caught up with your blog today . . . exciting dual Baby Q rig!

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