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Sol 11-8-16 09.30


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took these at 09.30, but forgot the power was going off at 10am ,so a bit late today. 25 frames staxed with regi, not the best of shots as the cloud was bad and there not at there best when zoomed, to be frank there horrible. so just one for the record. kit- 120mm f5 frac 1.5x barlow, lunt wedge, 1200d in mono and 1:1 crop mode. hope you all have better skys than me.  charl.


sol 11-8-16 0930.png


sol 11-8-16 0930 col.png


sol 11-8-16 0930 inv.png

in the intrests of safety, here a crop which wont make your eyes hurt.

sol 11-8-16 0930.cu1.png

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thanks Knighty, thay reckon that if you run round a lamppost 13 times anti clockwise naked holding a copy of the sky at night mag at midnight, it will kill the cloud curse  :happy7: let us know how you get on :icon_biggrin:. yer cloudy here allday mate. charl. ps congrats on the new scope mate.

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1 hour ago, xtreemchaos said:

thanks Knighty, thay reckon that if you run round a lamppost 13 times anti clockwise naked holding a copy of the sky at night mag at midnight, it will kill the cloud curse  :happy7: let us know how you get on :icon_biggrin:. yer cloudy here allday mate. charl. ps congrats on the new scope mate.

I'll try that later on then! Lol! ;) 

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