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July 18th - H Alpha - White Light - AR2567 - AR2565 *Pic Added 5.22pm


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It cleared up very late morning and I had a chance through quick moving broken cloud around midday.  The seeing was very  variable between the clouds. One reasonable prominence in the E, with not too much else prominence wise.  H Alpha frame taken with Lunt 60 DS, Olympus E-M10 at 11.43 am, 1/100 sec at 500 asa.  White Light disk taken with Equinox 80 and Lunt H Wedge at 11.59 am, 1/4000 sec at 100 asa.  Close up of ARs taken at 12.22 pm, 1/1000 sec at 100 asa plus x2 barlow.  There was another AR to the E and slightly S of the main protagonists - I don't know it's AR number.

** Took another pic of AR2565 taken at 5.28 pm and added it below, just over five hours later than the first one.  There seem to be more changes in AR2567, I suppose this makes sense as it is much more active.  The seeing was dreadful later on, and this is the best I could get.





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2 hours ago, Fozzie said:

That's a nice selection Paul, great detail in the close up..  Tomorrows looking like it might be good too..

Many thanks Fozzie.  I think you're right, it will be a scorcher tomorrow, best stay out the sun :laughing4: 

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2 hours ago, xtreemchaos said:

great shots mate ,lovely detail as allways. ive sun today "yippee" also a bit of fog when i too me shot, but beggers cant be chosers. thanks charl.

Thanks charl, I'm glad you got some sun at last!  :smile:

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2 hours ago, David Smith said:

Great pics Paul. Is it me or does ar12565 look like a lobster?

Thanks David.  I don't know how to tell you this, but yes, it is you.  Anyone can see it's a mule with very large ears and a nose-band over its snout!  :biggrin:


1 hour ago, laudropb said:

Nice set Paul. I was thinking it looked like a scorpion.

Thanks laudropb, but sorry, as I said before to David, it's definitely a large mule with big ears and a nose-band.  Boy, some of you guys really have weird imaginations.  :grin:.

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3 hours ago, paulastro said:

Are Pandas related to Mules? 

great new close up mate. the dna of a mule and a panda and every living thing are more or less the same ,i forget the % but its small, so yer there related. ear i go taking in tongs again.. :happy7: charl.

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11 minutes ago, michael.h.f.wilkinson said:

Very nice collection once more. Those two big ARs are really putting on a show

Thanks Michael.  Let's hope we all have a good day tomorrow, with some dynamic solar action.  Looking forward to seeing what's happened first thing tomorrow.

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