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21 &17mm Ethos First Light + AZPRO Update


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The night sky was pretty clear with the odd clump of haze coming across overhead but I got a good 3 hours observing in starting from around midnight. My scope tonight was the 110mm Starwave refractor with a counterweight set on the other side of the mount.

I let the mount do its thing and then I switched to the wifi & iPhone options that are supported by the AZPRO, Sky Safari Pro was the interface. As you can imagine this made life so easy it was embarrassing, but who cares :happy7: not me........ The mount performed solidly and accurately for the duration. My only concern with this mount so far is that you must make sure you tighten the clutch properly (I mean really tighten) as it can come undone. This could be quite an expensive flaw if you haven't balanced the scope properly as it will simply seesaw as gravity takes over. I have bought 4 x M6 threaded handles that screw into the clutch knob to give more purchase when securing, which has solved the issue completely (£3 from Amazon) why are they not standard !!! Other than this the mount so far has been excellent. The battery lasted the duration without any slewing or tracking issues thus there was no need for any power cables. This mount is also very very quiet indeed which is also nice.

I do not think I need to list all the targets that I looked at and do not feel the need to make a comment about how wonderful they looked. However, I did spend a few lasting moments on Abireo, the Double Cluster, Hercules cluster and a selection of coloured stars that I prepared in the handset menu before I started.

So what is my opinion on the  Ethos ?  The answer is they are quite simply remarkable and are the best eyepieces I have used. The stars are pinpoint and their colours are beautiful, the background is that lovely demonic velvety black that I have only experienced previously with the 17.3mm Delos. I loved the 100 degrees experience and I did not suffer from any eye-relief related effects such as kidney beaning or blackouts. I know a lot of good can be achieved by trying various eyepieces and to see how they perform for yourself but despite the cost of these 2 eyepieces (£1.1K) I could have saved myself a lot of cash by simply purchasing 3 or 4 of these eyepieces from day one.

Shaun :hello:



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Fantastic Shaun, really great setup you have got there now, glad it has all worked out.

Whilst I agree that buying Ethos from the start would have saved time and cost, perhaps you would not have appreciated them in quite the same way if you had not experienced other eyepieces before hand?

When finances allow, I will certainly re-invest in at least a 21mm and probably something like an 8mm. 

I look forward to hearing more from you on this, and please don't be shy about listing what you looked at and how they appeared.

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21 minutes ago, Mark at Beaufort said:

It appears you had a great night Shaun. Nice frac, brilliant eyepieces  and great mount what more could you ask for. All we need is darker clear night ahead.

Thank you Mark, all has certainly come together lately.... more consistent conditions would certainly be appreciated.

15 minutes ago, Stu said:

Fantastic Shaun, really great setup you have got there now, glad it has all worked out.

Whilst I agree that buying Ethos from the start would have saved time and cost, perhaps you would not have appreciated them in quite the same way if you had not experienced other eyepieces before hand?

When finances allow, I will certainly re-invest in at least a 21mm and probably something like an 8mm. 

I look forward to hearing more from you on this, and please don't be shy about listing what you looked at and how they appeared.

Thank you Stu, very true about the appreciation I guess it is similar to wine and it has been great experimenting (both wine & eyepieces) I must admit :happy7:  

Wow at shy..... That's a first for me :hello: I will try... !!

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Great report. I am envious that you got to experience first light with an Ethos. Something for me that is now only a distant memory.


Please keep the reports on the mount coming as I am considering it myself.

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19 hours ago, DirkSteele said:

Great report. I am envious that you got to experience first light with an Ethos. Something for me that is now only a distant memory.


Please keep the reports on the mount coming as I am considering it myself.

Thank you Matthew, I am quite enjoying using them and I may even get the 13mm now my 14mm eyepiece has sold.

I will keep you posted on the mount and let you know if I have any issues.

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I had a couple of sessions last year where the 21mm Ethos was all I used in my 12" dob. Galaxy after galaxy after galaxy. Enough magnification (76x) to pick up even the small ones and enough TFoV (1.3 degrees) for catching the groups. The 17mm will give you more of this stuff as well :icon_biggrin:

Darn expensive but amazingly fine views every time :cool2:

I'm finding the 4.7mm a killer on the Moon and planets as well !

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1 minute ago, John said:

I had a couple of sessions last year where the 21mm Ethos was all I used in my 12" dob. Galaxy after galaxy after galaxy. Enough magnification (76x) to pick up even the small ones and enough TFoV (1.3 degrees) for catching the groups. The 17mm will give you more of this stuff as well :icon_biggrin:

Darn expensive but amazingly fine views every time :cool2:

I had some nice views again last night and I can see why the 21mm would stay in the scope, even though its fairly low powered the resolution is remarkable. Even Polaris and its companion have a very clear separation that you park a bus in :happy7:

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Just a quick update on the tracking capability of the AZ Pro mount.

I have selected the solar tracking option this morning and for the past 90 minutes there has been zero drift, so all is starting to add up with this mount and it is looking like a decent package...lets see if it can keep this performance up over the next year or so.

Please note: As a precaution when I am taking a coffee (or wine) break and I am not viewing the sun I normally slew the scope out of the direct line of the sun. However, for this little test I have simply put the scopes steel cover over the objective. I do not see any benefit in leaving a scope pointed at the sun for hours on end, especially when you can simply press a button and be back on track.

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  • 2 weeks later...
15 hours ago, alan potts said:


Sorry I missed this review, been a bit busy of late. With this nice report I can only see the Ethos family growing after reading this.

Alan, I have had a couple of decent sessions with eyepieces of late and they just get better :icon_biggrin: I may get the 4.7 before July 31st

21 minutes ago, estwing said:

wonderful stuff Shaun...i was lucky and got into the ethos range pretty quick...saved loads of money!:rolleyes2:

As crazy as it sounds it is a saving Calvin, not that the journey here isn't enjoyable :icon_flower:

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16 hours ago, Pig said:

Alan, I have had a couple of decent sessions with eyepieces of late and they just get better :icon_biggrin: I may get the 4.7 before July 31st

As crazy as it sounds it is a saving Calvin, not that the journey here isn't enjoyable :icon_flower:


Hello Shaun , nice review and I am glad that you are enjoying your trip into Ethos world, maybe one day I will get the opportunity. In the meantime I am very happy that I have dipped my toes into the pond of the XW. Thanks Shaun ☺

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On ‎19‎/‎07‎/‎2016 at 14:01, Timebandit said:


Hello Shaun , nice review and I am glad that you are enjoying your trip into Ethos world, maybe one day I will get the opportunity. In the meantime I am very happy that I have dipped my toes into the pond of the XW. Thanks Shaun ☺

Thank you Simon :icon_biggrin: The XW pond is a very nice place to be and stay as it happens. I had another great session last night until around 3:30am double star hunting ...I say hunting but I use this term very lightly as I was aided by WiFi, Sky Safari, Goto and a couple of cans of Stella(r) :drunken_smilie:  

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