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Time Out!


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For me, thank goodness for the likes of Stellarium and books ? it's just past midnight, just had a peek outside,and there's still daylight to the West, and no visible Stars through the cloud gaps, it's just too bright up there Roll on Winter!

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You have my sympathies.

I'm not sure what I'd do - aside from moving away from Scotland. But I understand how such might not practical on many levels. Though this must have a rather harmful effect for those who move TO places like Scotland and other Northlands. While the locals are likely immune to the effect, for newcomers (especially young children) this has now been shown to be literally injurious to health and development. Hence the progressive campaign against all-night streetlights and other sources of light-pollution. I'll bet that good scientific and social surveys could be conducted to find out what this situation actually causes in the population-at-large.

 Hang in there, my friend!


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Thanks, There's always the Moon, when it's not overcast! 

We have had some astonishing weather patterns this Year. And the Summer months up here don't bode well for astronomy, although winter up here provides some of the best skies in the UK. 

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I love the summer night sky still. 

Although I'm not as far north as you we still have all night twilight towards the north. And I enjoy just looking at that! 

I saw a hint of noctiluscent clouds at 3am last Thursday morning but I was knee deep in work.... Literally,  so didn't get a good look. 

Not been a good year for noctiluscent clouds so far as I've seen but they too are a real treat on summer nights. 

What's not to like about summer nights? 

Oh,  hold on, I forgot the clouds, rain and gales ?

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Mid summer is not the best time for observing in Scotland. It is never truly dark, but when it's clear at least you can give it a go. The cloudy skies have even ruled that out for the last few weeks. I took Michaels advice and turned to the  "light side ". Been doing some WL solar for the last 2 months. It certainly is addictive. In May I had 19 observing sessions and in June 22. Often it is views in gaps in the clouds, but that can be very productive. I count the sunspots and sketch them and the full disk. ( not very well, but it does add to the interest ). I am now thinking of getting a Ha scope and I may even start to image. ( never thought I would say that ). Of course it does help that I am now retired and have plenty of time on my hands.

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12 hours ago, Jeff-Colorado said:

An H-alpha scope would be fun. There's nothing in the solar system that changes so dramatically and unpredictably as the Sun.

Only the weather here in North Western Europe. I dont mean that as sarcasm or anything else (apart from being the truth). The weather here today in this part of Ireland has changed every 10 mins all day. It goes from warm sunshine to dark as night with torrential downpours and fierce winds. Then, back to warm sunshine and blue skies for another 10 mins and so on and so on.

Ive been turning the light on and off all day here. Its driving me crazy. 

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" There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens "

I must admit I love the long days we have here in the summer months.  You feel more energetic, get home from work and there is still loads of time to do stuff.  I hate the long dark winter months where you get up in darkness and go home in darkness.   I spent a few years at Lossiemouth and Kinloss where, being even further North, the daylight never really ended.  I guess you just get used to the seasons, just getting on with what each different season allows - no point fighting it.  Summer for me is all bout maintenance, planning and upgrading and spending money on astro toys that I really shouldn't be spending:icon_biggrin:


Turn Turn Turn - The Boss and Roger McGuinn (The Byrds)


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Morayshire is a truly heavenly place Charic, some of my happiest days spent there.  You're right, about summer and how it limits astronomy though but you get paid back in winter with some of the best dark skies.  I remember once camping out in Roseisle forest and I've never seen the Milky Way looking so glorious against an inky black sky. Happy days indeed, I'd go back in a heartbeat.



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.......on those special nights when conditions are so right, away from the house and street lights, I can hold my arms out and see my own shadow, such is the beauty and luminance  of the Milky way, and only a mile or two behind my house for the experience, but lets not gloat :grin:.You`ll remember Lochindorb is not too far away, a different planet almost,  no light pollution, no biting MIDGES! 


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22 hours ago, Charic said:

.......on those special nights when conditions are so right, away from the house and street lights, I can hold my arms out and see my own shadow, such is the beauty and luminance  of the Milky way, and only a mile or two behind my house


I hate you?

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's still hope for us yet!  A gap in the cloud at Midnight [GMT] and I could just make out with the naked eyes, the 7 primary Stars from Ursa Major, the Pole Star and 3 primary Stars in Cassiopeia, Caph, Shedir & Navi.
That's the equivalent of level 8 in Stellarium's Sky and Viewing options [F4]. Roll on the darker nights, and some much needed, better weather!

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