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AR 2553 animation


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Ah in my mind this was going to be so good.... I hadn't counted on the problems caused by changes in light levels due to thin cloud, poor seeing and (can't blame the universe for this one) the fact that the 3X barlow wasn't screwed in tightly enough so the frames rotated. Aligning software doesn't seem to be able to handle this, for some reason. I started to do it manually but gave up. This is made from the first 14 images, taken over a 20 minute period from 11.55 UK time today. The other 12 images weren't really usable.  Memo to self: only do animations when conditions allow!  It does show the interesting movement around the penumbra though:




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I feel your pain Iain. Animations are highly demanding of both the equipment and the person doing the post processing. Uneven illumination is especially problematic. But really it is only one of several assorted nuisances that can plague an animation. Dust is another. I just console myself with the idea that these are practice runs, and in a way they are! I learn something with every issue that arises. I love the intensity of this particular animation, but the rotation makes it too distracting to really focus on the more subtle changes between frames.


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