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Big spot 2553 at last! Today, 14th June


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The rain stopped and the dark grey clouds parted for literally 10 minutes today. Set up time for me is 7 minutes, so I had 3 minutes to capture what I could. Seeing was poor, and the parting of the grey cloud revealed nasty thin white cloud, but I'm very happy to have grabbed a couple of half decent shots of this super spot and some of the action around it.  




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Thanks guys. Paul, on a good day I can do it in 5 minutes but for the first time ever my mount refused to recognise the sun as a Go To object! I sent it to Saturn instead, then slewed at painfully slow speed to the Sun.  The cloud and rain has remained for the rest of the afternoon, which gives me a grim satisfaction :wink2:

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Nice images Iain well done, no luck here, at the Eclipse meeting I set up late, fired up the mount, did GOTO the Sun  and it pointed at the ground, worked at the third go of switching on and off, never done it before or since :grin:

Dave :clouds2:

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