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May 29th - H Alpha and White Light - Strong Prominences


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I was out this morning from about 7.15.  The seeing was very poor early on, but did improve to just poor by the time I packed up  :icon_biggrin:.  AR2548 is closing in on the W limb, but at least now we have AR2549 so we have been saved from having a blank disk.  There were good strong prominences on the N, NW and E limbs.  As what was the very long filament reaches the W limb, one of it's components has produced  a 'shark's fin' prominence and filaprom  on the NW limb.

HA single frames taken with the Lunt 60mm DS and Olympus E-M10, 500asa, the first on 1/30 sec at 9.36 am and the second on 1/8 sec at 9.20 am.

WL frames with the Equinox 80 and Lunt H Wedge, the full disk at 8.43 am, 1/2000 sec at 100 asa, and the close-up of AR2548 on 1/800 sec at 200 asa.



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Nice ones Paul. I want those proms! We normally get the better of the weather down here in the south east, but today it's your turn :smile: Glad you made use of it. Thick cloud here. Clearoutside.com says we have blue skies all afternoon but not so. I don't know why completely wrong weather forecasts still shock me B)


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3 hours ago, Iainp said:

Nice ones Paul. I want those proms! We normally get the better of the weather down here in the south east, but today it's your turn :smile: Glad you made use of it. Thick cloud here. Clearoutside.com says we have blue skies all afternoon but not so. I don't know why completely wrong weather forecasts still shock me B)


Thanks Iain.  As you say, unusual for us to get the better of the weather at any time.  It looks good here for tomorrow here too, I'm afraid the E side of the country looks to have poor weather for a couple of days.    Re weather forecasts, I generally use on-line forecasts and a couple of apps.  Probably the best TV forecast is the one on later this evening which comes towards the end of the Countryfile programme  on BBC1  on Sundays, usually 7-8pm.  Glad to here you have now had a view, I'll check your pics out.

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Many thanks for all your comments.  I'm sorry so many of you have had cloud today.  As I mentioned in my response to Iain, we seem to be favoured in the W for the next couple of days, many areas will have sunshine tomorrow by the look of it, but alas not if you're on the E side of the country -  though it could be wrong of course!!

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2 hours ago, paulastro said:

but alas not if you're on the E side of the country -  though it could be wrong of course!!

The only time the forecasts seem to be right is when they predict bad weather so I'm not holding out much hope! :icon_biggrin:  Good luck for you though. Sunshine on a bank holiday?? It must have happened before but I can't remember it :glasses9: 

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