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Hello from Weston Turville


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Hello all at Stargazers,

Have just joined the forum after buying my 1st scope (an ETX105 PE) 3 weeks ago. So far only a couple of clear, but VVV cold, nights in Buckinghamshire but was rewarded last weekend with some excellent views of Saturn.

We had a few niggles initially setting the scope up, which don't seem too uncommon, reading comments posted on this and other forums, but having attended the excellent course run by Green-Witch, Dry Drayton, Cambs, most of these niggles have been ironed out. Can't recommend this course highly enough to any other 1st time ETX users out there, as it covers all areas of setting up in a great deal more detail than the manual does.

I am interested in doing some Astrophotography, particularly planetary and was wondering what would be the best route to go down. I already own a Canon Powershot S70 7.1 megapixel camera which can be attached to the scope using Scopetronix Digital T adaptor, but am wondering whether this would the best option or would a cheapish web-cam, such as the Phillips Toucam give better results ?

Look forward to hearing your opinions.

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Hello Clive.

Welcome to Stargazers..

I would reccomend the Toucam Pro 2 840k it's by far the best Planetry imager for under a grand, you will need a Laptop though really but if ya Desktop computer is close you should be ok if you don't have a lappy.

Glad you enjoyed ya views of Saturn prob the most awsome sight in the Night Sky...


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Welcome to the forum Clive. The Phillips Toucam seems to be the business for planetary images. All the top bods seem to use these little marvels. A freakish event in the world of gadgets - a cheap bit of kit being the top performer :lol:


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Welcome Clive,

Toucam Pro 2 and a cheap lappy would be a good start for planetary work.... IMHO of course :lol:

For imaging you need to set the ETX up in equatorial mode to get the best results.


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