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First attempt at Jupiter


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:hiding: Go easy on me :) First attempt at Jupiter using backyard EOS, I know its the size of a pin head but you can see the bands, to me its special :happy6:, made my day when I saw it after using the planet video mode , Just need to mess with the settings a bit.. no a lot more..

Any tips advice welcomed, taken with a Canon 100d Dslr


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Congratulations on our first Jupiter some nice detail showing, looks like a hint of a few moons as well. You could do with increasing the image scale to increase the resolution. If you used your QHY5 + a barlow you would get some very good results, although mono only without a filter wheel.

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Thank you :happy10:

I like mono images, and was debating in using the qhy5, il try that next time it is clear.. When that will be is anyone's guess :icon_albino: Had to bring in the telescope the other night as it was all frosty and iced up ( Thankfully the mirror was fine! )





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Got bands! That's always good! Nice work on your first attempts. I agree with the consensus about the barlow; give it shot, you'll be pleasantly surprised :hello2:

Here's a video I captured of Jupiter using an Orion electronic imager attached to my 180mm MakCass (the little dot is actually Io making a transit):





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