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IC1848 - The Soul Nebula (aka The 12 Week Scan Nebula)


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This project has taken a very very long time to reach this point. I purchased a WO Star71 back in October 2015 and after a few tests, started to capture the data for this project. The weather decided that was not a good idea... I finally gathered the last set of subs on the 14th January 2016 and have completed my 'First Light' image with the new scope.

So, here is my image of IC1848 - The Soul Nebula, which has become known as The 12 Week Scan Nebula...


Details are:

WO Star71 on HEQ5 pro with Baader filters
Ha = 18 x 1800s
OIII = 13 x 1800s
Total Integration Time = 15.5 hours

I haven't done much processing over the last ten months or so and this project has highlighted how very rusty my techniques are! So, as ever, your thoughts and criticisms are most welcome...


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Thank you Will & Barry. It has to be up there doesn't it, 3 months to make an image... tut, tut! Let's just hope we get some decent conditions over the next few months. As for WO, I am definitely a fan. I am considering their longer focal length offering as we move towards Galaxy Season.


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Thank you @toxic, @Epicycle & @ChrisLX200.

Yes Chris, the OIII is pretty weak in comparison to the Ha, as it seems to be generally across the Universe! I did have to go at it hard, with quite a few iterations of Screen Mask Invert in amongst it. However, the faster new scope definitely gave me better data to work with than compared to my slower 80ED.

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Well done for persisting Gav. The weather over the last few months has made it very difficult for a lot of us in the UK but your patience was certainly worth it and you have ended up with a lovely image as a result.



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First thing: when I saw the image I didn't think it was all narrowband, I read it as an HaRGB, which means you did a cracking job on the colour balance. With this in mind, my next thought was, 'Damn, how did he keep those stars so tiny??' It was almost a relief to discover it's a NB image! The Soul is an easy image to do moderately well but a hard one to do very well - and I think this is a real beauty.


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Thank you all for your kind comments. I thoroughly enjoyed 'getting back in the saddle', however frustrating it might have been from start to finish of this project!

Pete - I was recently talking with an LX200 owner about imaging and his desire to improve and his thoughts about ditching that scope. I pointed him to your website and the stonking images you have captured with that scope. That perked him up a bit!!

Olly - thank you, it was a struggle on most fronts, so lovely to hear that it has worked! I went through quite a few attempts before managing this version. I was very gentle, but demanding of the OIII data! I am definitely a big fan of the bi-colour narrowband image.


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10 hours ago, theo said:

Well done for persisting Gav. The weather over the last few months has made it very difficult for a lot of us in the UK but your patience was certainly worth it and you have ended up with a lovely image as a result.



Wow Pete, I just looked at your results with your LX200 - on a wedge no less and using a guidescope? Phenomenal - and I would have bet against anyone achieving such excellent results with that setup.


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