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Frosty Four Inch Fun.


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A crisp cold night, even in my light sheltered enclave the scope and Telrad soon iced over.

As soon as Alkaid climbed , the comet Catalina produced a stunning view. The surrounding fuzz looking much larger than of late.

Really admired the red glows of "La Superba" in Canes Venatici and "Hind's Crimson" star in Lepus. A lovely view of Betelgeuse with its fine secondary. Really then spoilt for choice, although the 102 gives some brighter galaxies if was the clusters and multiples that really stood out. M67 ,M35 and the Beehive M44 provide dazzling views.

Orion was high enough in the south to complete my haul of binaries. S502 and S503 provide a "double double "effect at x40. The lovely delicate triple Σ855 showed up well at this magnification.Swinging up to the "37" cluster NGC 2169, you'll notice the top star of the 3 to be the binary Σ848. A good view in the erect helical focussing diagonal. It's been very useful with r&p, you can lock the focuser and just focus using the ep.

A whole gamut of binaries, getting down to 2.3", before Jupiter arrived, with some cracking contrast views at just under x200,of the Io shadow and the dark grs.

High spot of the night was sitting and observing when my collapsible stool did indeed collapse. This was either cold metal fatigue or the strange sounds it made when Lee sat on it.

Clear skies and clearer beer !


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I think you have as many clear nights as me Nick though at the moment a 40inch scope would not see anything, just getting ready for the mass of snow to come later today, if you believe the forecast we will have to dig our way out tomorrow.

A very nice report and even though I have Cambridge Doubles not two feet away, I never knew Betelgeuse was a double and guess what is on the front cover.


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