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Blimey, Mare Crisium on the Sun !!


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I was in the shower this morning and would you believe it, the Sun came out, aagggrrrhhhhh, I'd never got out of the shower so quick before in my life.  I'm desperate for any Solar view with the weather were having at the moment.

Set up by about 11.15 and wow, there was Mare Crisium on the Sun !!   Well, lunar observers will see what I mean, I hope :grin: 

It was very windy and the cloud was moving like mad across the face of the Sun.  It was very difficult to take a pic when the Sun was completely clear of cloud - in the rush I'd forgotten my cable release which didn't help.

I've attached a snap, single frame, taken with my Olympus E-M5 - processed for surface detail. 


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