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The Sun - 26th Sep 2015

David Smith

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Bumper day for solar imaging. Woke up at 8 to clear skies, was setup and waiting for the Sun to clear the trees and it's still sunny now! Some 110GB of data accumulated across white light and Ca-K and that doesn't include the DSLR raw frames. I think I am about 75% of the way through with processing now but still have ~50Gb of Ca-K data that I hope will become an animation at some point.

First up then, white light full disks via DSLR

21699225586_00635137c4_o.png20150926 by David Smith, on Flickr

21102581684_ecc8ff5e18_o.png20150926mono by David Smith, on Flickr

Next up, white via QHY5. This one is a 6 pane full disk mosaic @ 1000mm FL. I believe this is the first time I have managed to get a white light mosaic to work, thanks largely to the large number of spots scattered across the disk I suspect.

21105243594_dc6b248a60_o.png20150926_QHY by David Smith, on Flickr

Close-up of AR12422 @2000mm FL. Seeing had gone off some by the time I had gotten to shooting this and hence it's a bit noisy.

21105245514_91ed22c75d_o.png20150926__WL_AR12422_2x by David Smith, on Flickr

Then the Ca-K 6 pane FD which is becoming a staple of my imaging sessions.

21716411562_de967a94db_o.png20150926_CaK_6PaneFD by David Smith, on Flickr

4 Pane mosaic of some of the active regions

21737280491_517646f09b_o.png20150926_CaK_ARs_2xMosaic by David Smith, on Flickr

Close-up of AR12422 @ 2000mm FL

21737282401_8bb2a43582_o.png20150926_CaK_AR12422_2x by David Smith, on Flickr

I have a 20 frame sequence of this AR at this focal length but yet to process that data.

Finally, Ca-K proms, normal and inverted.

21107097123_1d86722991_o.png20150926_CaK_prom by David Smith, on Flickr

21540163300_c5c52a0fef_o.png20150926_CaK_prom_invert by David Smith, on Flickr

I did try to do a full disk surface and proms @ 500mm FL but struggling to do anything with the data at this point. Will persevere!

Thanks for looking and enjoy the sunshine. :cool:

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Excellent images David, pretty annoying day here, not a cloud in the sky this morning when I had to go out, got back set up as the clouds rolled in, done a couple of vid's through the gaps but could really have done with blue all day to sort a few things.


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Beautiful Calcium-K shots again David.  It makes me lust after one a bit, but as mainly a visual observer it's probably not for me I'm afraid - at my age I probably wouldn't see much visually!

I've attached a snap taken in HAlpha this morning, single frame, Olympus E-M5 with my Lunt 60mm DS.  As I said, certainly a visual observer first and foremost :laugh:


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