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The Sun - 24th Sep 2015

David Smith

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Had a bit more time today and the clouds were kind-ish :smiley:

White lights @ 1000mm FL

21682913381_bfe9931321_o.png20150924 by David Smith, on Flickr

21051044914_ab21eb7855_o.png20150924mono by David Smith, on Flickr

Calcium K 6 Pane full disk @ 1000mm FL. Surprised how well the Ca-K shots turned out as the seeing appeared mediocre at best on screen.

21683889931_1a22b05945_o.png20150924_CaK_6PaneFD by David Smith, on Flickr

Close-ups @ 2000mm FL

21648634346_c52681e255_o.png20150924_CaK_AR12418_2x by David Smith, on Flickr

21486867438_270cda0a86_o.png20150924_CaK_AR12420_1_2x by David Smith, on Flickr

21052034544_df19a2514f_o.png20150924_CaK_AR12422_2x by David Smith, on Flickr

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