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On 12 August I travelled from Salisbury to Kilmington near Mere for the Mendip and Dorset (MAD) Viewers Perseid watch on Whitesheet Hill.  The lovely sunset was seen from the pub as we had a drink before driving up to the top of the hill at dusk.  Although frequent meteors were seen, including one that went off like a camera flash leaving a smoke trail, the skies were interrupted by frequent banks of cloud.  This gave a good opportunity for some landscape photography including this one simple 30s exposure of the milky way above a nearby burial mound.

Although it was good fun to be out, I didn't get a single meteor on the camera though and the clouds prevented little more than casual observing through the big 30x100 APM binos.  Oh well!


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Very evocative. I wonder what the ancient peoples would have made of those ghostly lights on the horizon? Are they different types of street lights? Broad spectrum on the left and sodium on the right?

Would the horizon line be better a tad lower by cropping a bit from the bottom of the picture? I don't know, it's very subjective.

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Very evocative. I wonder what the ancient peoples would have made of those ghostly lights on the horizon? Are they different types of street lights? Broad spectrum on the left and sodium on the right?

Would the horizon line be better a tad lower by cropping a bit from the bottom of the picture? I don't know, it's very subjective.

Those ancient people would be seeing the exact same constellations as us getting the kind of naked eye views we can only dream of... the whole country had dark sky status in them days  :grin:

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