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The Sun in Ca-K - 16th Aug 2015

David Smith

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Caught a bit of a break at 11 this morning to try and grab some Ca-K. Managed a 2 pane mosaic with the 0.5x reducer before the clouds settled back in. I think this is the latest shoot time for Ca-K since I got the module and consequently the seeing was probably the worst I have seen in Ca-K. Interested in your thoughts on sharpness / overall detail levels versus previous shots. A lot is made of seeing affecting imaging at this wavelength and I am keen to determine what conditions I can and cannot shoot in. I think I probably over exposed both hemispheres a bit in the hurry to get done before the clouds came back and hence the AR's are lacking detail.

20432492230_0c4628652c_o.png20150816_CaK by David Smith, on Flickr

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Glad you caught a break for the CaK, David.

Going from memory, this one is defo blurrier for me, your previous struck me as really crisp, impressively detailed shots. That said, this one still looks to have a lot of detail.

Did you only have a few mins? The seeing varied a lot here at noon. One or two captures I dumped as almost the entire minute was a blur, other times it snapped in okay, so here I would say seeing varied from fair to don't bother!

I guess you know about solar scintillation monitors? Would that be any help for judging your CaK? Alexandra's post about CaK / monitor on solarchat:


Not one for me though, I have enough things to plug in already for my taste :grin:

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Thank you all for your kind comments.

Glad you caught a break for the CaK, David.

Going from memory, this one is defo blurrier for me, your previous struck me as really crisp, impressively detailed shots. That said, this one still looks to have a lot of detail.

Did you only have a few mins? The seeing varied a lot here at noon. One or two captures I dumped as almost the entire minute was a blur, other times it snapped in okay, so here I would say seeing varied from fair to don't bother!

I guess you know about solar scintillation monitors? Would that be any help for judging your CaK? Alexandra's post about CaK / monitor on solarchat:


Not one for me though, I have enough things to plug in already for my taste :grin:

Agreed Luke, it definitely shows the poor seeing. Looking back at the original panes they are not as sharp a previous images and actually the stitching has made this worse. It was a quick grab between the clouds so I did not have the luxury of picking and choosing when to shoot based on seeing conditions.

I have seen the SSM and am considering whether it may be of use. Probably would not have helped yesterday as it was a case of shoot now or possibly not at all. Suspect having an SSM would just make me lazy and decide not to even bother setting up if I did not like the numbers :grin: And where's the fun in that!

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A very nice image but seeing conditions and CaK are a mystery to me, most of the time the seeing is dreadful in CaK but great in the other 2 wavelengths and it can also work vice versa. Generally early is best, but not too early :)


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