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Anyone got any 1100D modded images to share ?

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I can see it when I'm at my site in Spain - I'm intrigued by that Prawn Nebula, bottom left corner, might have to give that a go one day.  It is still going to be pretty low for me in the LP dome from Malaga, and this time of year it'll start disappearing behind the hill early, but maybe a project for next year, hmm...

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  • 3 weeks later...

The images in this thread from modded 450D and 1100D's are stunning. I'm using un-modded m4/3 gear at the moment and was contemplating a move to CCD but these examples are tipping the balance towards DSLR. I'm particularly impressed with the PP work in them, as an amateur photographer I've become proficient with PhotoShop but think I'll need to get my climbing boots on for another learning curve!

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The images in this thread from modded 450D and 1100D's are stunning. I'm using un-modded m4/3 gear at the moment and was contemplating a move to CCD but these examples are tipping the balance towards DSLR. I'm particularly impressed with the PP work in them, as an amateur photographer I've become proficient with PhotoShop but think I'll need to get my climbing boots on for another learning curve!

If it is a straight choice between CCD and modded DSLR, then all other things being equal, then the CCD wins by a big distance. In the real world of finance restrictions, its significant cost saving makes it a decent tool and I still use mine, albeit for widefield shots, using my CCD for the longer FL images.

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Sagittarius and Cygnus I recognise, what's the middle one, Matt ?

edit:  aha !  Scorpio

No flies on you Stuart, spot on. Scorpio is not visible in the UK (for me anyway) so I wouldn't have recognised it! Its also at a bit of a weird angle as I wanted to get the whole tail in.

Would it be pedantic of me to point out that scorpio is from the world of make believe (astrology) and Scorpius is astronomy?...yeah I thought so :D.

3 cracking images though. It be my favorite part of the sky be sco/sag ;)

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I have olympus 4/3 e510 and frankly as much as I love it in normal use it is pretty poor for long exposure stuff, the biggest issue is noise. With the lack of support as well for mods in and software control ect. I was considering a 2nd hand 1100d body and modding it myself.

This thread has just made my mind up, some super images here and good info,

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I have olympus 4/3 e510 and frankly as much as I love it in normal use it is pretty poor for long exposure stuff, the biggest issue is noise. With the lack of support as well for mods in and software control ect. I was considering a 2nd hand 1100d body and modding it myself.

This thread has just made my mind up, some super images here and good info,

We I did it. Got an eos 1100d twin lens kit with flash in a bag of the bay.

Now to get the old stuff shifted. Can't wait to give it first light (unmoded for now)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I see some others who have used the m4/3 camera.  I got some really nice moon pics with my Panasonic GH2 and ED80.   The problem is that the long exposure is limited to 120 seconds I believe.  I decided to my a cheap Canon 1100d which will enable computer control etc and I am not taking my $1200 GH2 outside in the dew!  Also, i will get the Mod done on the Canon.   The pictures posted here are absolutely remarkable.  i can't wait to get started in Deep Sky AP. :)   :hello2:

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this was my first-light with my modded 1100d (bit of coma on that still, now dealt with):


compared to this rather messy attempt with my old unmodded Nikon D80:


both are really beautiful photos and you should be proud of yourself

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Wow!  Some wonderful pictures there!  I received my used Canon 1100d a couple weeks ago.  I plan to have the mod done later after I have achieved some success with it first.  Ha.  You folks are an inspiration.  I have gathered the necessary hardware and software to begin some DSO AP.  I am sooooooo looking forward to it.  BUT it's a real learning curve for me: Polar Align -two Star align- capture software- stacking etc etc.  Whew!  Taking it a step at a time.  

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hi mate, thanks very much, I appreciate that !

without doubt I'd say the single most incremental thing for me has been the modded 1100d, which is a different league to my old D80.  Of course the new mount helps a lot too, compared to my old EQ3 clone.

I'm just following a very regular pattern at the moment - 5 min exposures at ISO1600, which seems to be working for me - as many exposures as I can until I'm nearly falling asleep in the lounge and have to tear it all down.  I use library darks and bias, taken in the same month if I can, flats taken at the end of the session.

I could probably go for longer exposures, but I am getting quite bright subs already, even though it's a dark-sky site (f5 newt) - I'm processing a lagoon at the moment that I had to stop and reduce to ISO800 after the first 3 subs since I noticed the red channel was clipping - glad I spotted that early.

not sure what you mean by light mode ?

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Just wanted to add my latest 1100D image to the collection:


C11 (Bubble Nebula) in the center, M52 to the left and NGC 7538 in the upper right corner.

This is 59 exposures of 6 minutes, taken through a Baader 7 nm H-alpha filter.

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