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Full Ha Disk 11th June 2015


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Finally getting somewhere with mosaics on my TAL/PST conversion.  Seeing was dreadful, and as you can see not a lot going on (how I miss 2013)

The breakthrough was flats, finally managing to do them properly such that I could see as soon as AS!2 popped out the stacks that I was looking good for a knit.  It's a bit patchy still but for a good effort for me I think.  32 panes of 200 out of 500 stacked, stitched in Photoshop using Photo Merge




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Hi Notty,

Well done, thats come really well. How many panels did you do, what camera did you use, what software did you use for the mosaic - was it EQMosaic? How did you stitch them together? Sorry for all the questions

I keep threatening to do a mosaic but alas yet to do / attempt.

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Thanks for the feedback guys.  

Michael, I had a read of your excellent tutorial thank you very much for posting it.  Can I ask you about the "Lucy-Richardson Devonvolution" filter... is this a Photoshop feature as I can't find it as an add on.  Maybe there is an equivlant, but all I use is Levels Curves and Unsharp Mask at the moment.

Ian, my camera is a PGR Chameleon and I used Photo Merge in Photoshop and there were about 32(!) panels as previously I'd found out too late that I had areas with not enough coverage for the stitching software to resolve.  As an aside I shot the first images in the Chameleon's highest resolution 1296x964 but I also shot another 38(!) on the lower setting of 640x480 to see the difference.  I also ran these through Autostitch to see how it dealt with them and it stitched them fine.  Not much processing done past the initial pre mosiac sharpening just a superimposition of the disk onto one behind it with the levels turned to catch the proms, such as they were that day.

It's a more even mosaic I think, but the lower resolution really shows.


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