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Quick Quark Image After Eclipse


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Hi all,

A quick image taken with my Quark after the eclipse. I only managed a few shots during the eclipse with the Quark, thanks to clouds, hope to process those few Quarkies next.

Thanks for looking,



20h March, 2015 (post eclipse, boohoo!)
Equinox 120, Quark Chromosphere, Grasshopper 3 camera (ICX687), 0.5x reducer

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Thanks, all, most kind!

Pete, I did feel for everyone who wasn't lucky with the eclipse, it was just so random. and I guess many won't agree, but when it was looking touch and go our way, I was looking forward to the promised clear later on and telling myself that the best sun is 100% sun, we don't need no eclipse!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry missed this one Luke :rolleyes: , it's coz im old !!!

Fantastic shot, I never get tired of looking at the Solar images(especially the Quarks :grin: )

Not even had a sniff of a chance again with mine yet, at this rate it's gonna be a longgggg learning curve.

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