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New to Reflectors and EQ Mounts


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Hello all,
I'm an attorney in Mississippi and I recently bought a Celestron astromaster 114 (Equatorial mount is CG-2, I believe). I have few questions about Polar alignment. I understand the concept, but I have have no doubt that I can align the mount to Polaris. But true polar alignment sounds very complicated and time consuming without a Polar alignment scope. So I had a few question if anyone had the time. 

1) IS there a polar alignment scope that I can use with this scope and mount? 
2) Is this just a waste of money for a beginner scope and back yard astronomy?

Any help at all is greatly appreciated.

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I've found that the easiest way to PA is with a small green laser. Electrical tape the laser to the mount and align it so that the laser points at Polaris. I'm sure this isn't the "recommended" way, but it's easy and it works. Others will be along to give others I'm certain.

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Very accurate polar alignment is not necessary for visual astronomy. Just point the north leg roughly north and get your declinationangle about right and you will be fine. All it means is a small adjustment in either ra or more usually declination to be back on track.

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As Shane said no need to get too hung up on it for visual use ...   Use Shane's suggested method and perhaps sight along the tube of the RA axis and see if it's pointing towards polaris...

You might find this article  on adding  a low cost Red Dot Fiinder to an EQ1 mount useful it was written by Steve Richards - AKA Steppenwolf and the "scope doctor" from the Sky at night magazine over here in the UK...



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Thanks for all of the warm welcomes. Dana, I watch some baseball (MLB playoffs and Minor league in Mississippi). Can't say that I'm a huge fan because the nearest MLB team is a few hundred miles away. 

Welcome to SGL, Empleomaniac!

Baseball fan?


Thanks for all of the warm welcomes. Dana, I watch some baseball (MLB playoffs and Minor league in Mississippi). Can't say that I'm a huge fan because the nearest MLB team is a few hundred miles away. Are you not a Detroit fan?

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