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Identify my nebula please?


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Hello everyone.

I have just joined Stargazers Lounge on the recommendation of several members of Bristol Astronomical Society. I have been a member for several years now and run their 12 inch Newtonian fairly regularly for open observing sessions. I teach and so I also have been able to be a member of the Faulkes Telescope Project for over 10 years (which is where I took the picture of the Ring Nebula that is my profile picture). 

I am hoping for some help..... My nephew found a photo online (attached), which he is using as a background on his computer, and he asked me if I knew which nebula it is. Annoyingly I couldn't identify it and I am hoping that I can 'phone' a (new) friend for some help. If anyone can identify the attached - please let me know.

Many thanks.



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This nebula doesn't exist.

It is a creation of an atist called "tylercreatesworlds": http://tylercreatesworlds.deviantart.com/art/Distant-Lights-331496329

"Been doing some doodling. I really like the colors in this one, real muddy and earthy. Painted up in Photoshop like I do, about 9 hours probably. I threw a couple of half hearted galaxies in the mix, don't hate me :/"

He has more of this kind: http://tylercreatesworlds.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=0

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Thank you very much for the info. I am impressed by how quickly I received help! 

I suspect that it has come up twice as I have already asked the BAS yahoo group if anyone can identify it. One of their number found it on the wallpaper site you mention.

I am very disappointed it isn't real, .....sigh.

Thank you again.


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Someone asked 34 minutes before you, as I managed to find out about it in that time all I did was repeat in your post the same answer. Wasn't therefore as quick as you have thought - I had a 34 minute head start. :grin: :grin: :grin:

Appears to be in this lot: http://space.desktopnexus.com/cat/galaxies/

Some of which are real some are not. Be aware that all will be processed and colour added in one way or another.

Check the Hubble, Chandra and Spitzer space telescope sites for images obtained from those satellites.

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A warm welcome to the SGL forums Alison.

Enjoy your stay with us, and I'm pleased you got a fairly rapid answer to your question.

It wasn't an answer that would be readily available, but well done to the SGL  Detective Agency, who

go to work quickly when the need arises  :smiley:.


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Hi Alison and welcome to the forum. The thing is, there is probably a nebula that looks just like this but we have yet to discover it - I'm never surprised at the beauty that is generated by our universe.

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay with us.

P.S Is that 18" at your observing site up and running yet - saw through it once and got some great views of Orion.

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Thank you to SGL; everyone has welcomed me with open arms. I will definitely be turning to all of you for help in future. My nephew was very impressed with your efforts identifying the virtual red nebula. He said - and I quote:

"Nice well done. No matter if it's real or not still looks cool. Makes sense that you couldn't find it if its not real :) Thanks :)"

:grin:  :grin:  :grin: 

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Yes, James, the 18 inch is up and running. There was some problem with the motor drive speed but that has been sorted out now. I have not been trained on it yet although I have seen some great things through it: the Ring Nebula (my favourite) and M13 both look great. I don't know if anyone going tonight can run it - I am going to run 'Cyril' the 12 inch in the dome. (It's a bit warmer in there). I will be taking lots of coffee and I may go up early to catch Mars if I can. 


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Thank you Philip. Yes the Horse Head Nebula is one I would definitely be able to identify. The image you sent the link for is a beautiful and very colourful version. I particularly like the Hubble infra red image of it - which is shown on the wiki page you linked too. I had that as my background on my computer for a while! I have never managed to find it with a scope and Orion is too low in the sky to attempt this without a go-to until quite late tonight. Perhaps I should give it another go?!

You have inspired me to try anyway!  :smiley:

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Welcome to the forum.  You remind me how much I really need to make the effort to come along to some of the Bristol Astronomical Society meetings.  I have been to one observing session and joined back then. I still have not been to anything since :clock:

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