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A re-introduction


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Hi Everyone

Although not new to the forum, I have been away for awhile concentrating on other things, I thought id pop back in and say hello again. There are a lot of new members in here since my last visit!

I might be thinking about getting myself another scope so would welcome comments but I will post that question in the appropriate board.



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welcome back Chubs , i seem to remember you saying way back, you would soon be imaging and knocking spots of my images , lol , well common then man ,get that scope and do the business, this is meant in a nice way chubs , lol lovely to have you back again , nice looking scope .


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Blimey Chubs, you really are serious. Some baby that. Have you got permission by the way. :clouds1:


Ssshh :wink::) :) Havent got that scope....yet...just saying that the SGL magic still seems to be working, come on looking to spend £100 ask for advice...walk away several hundreds of pounds lighter :cry:

welcome back Chubs , i seem to remember you saying way back, you would soon be imaging and knocking spots of my images , lol , well common then man ,get that scope and do the business, this is meant in a nice way chubs , lol lovely to have you back again , nice looking scope .


:) did I really...ah but now you have your own obs so you've moved the goal posts :(

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